Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein was executed recently and the right wing news sites and blogs are having cyber orgasms over the hanging video being circulated around the internet. Saddam Hussein did not have anything to do with the Sept. 11 attacks yet the cretins who vote Republican still believe that he organized the attacks. There's no proof that Saddam gassed the Kurds yet the propaganda masters of the corporate media want you to think that he did do these horrible acts against his neighbors.

There are 100s of horrible dictators and leaders around the globe yet you do not see Bush and his global democratic revolution advocates yearning to go into the heart of Africa or Central Asia to free those people. The Iraq war was the beginning of the resource wars. America needs the oil that Iraq sits on and since Saddam wouldn't give in to America, he had to be taken out. There won't be a democracy in Iraq. Another strongman dictator will get his chance to rule Iraq and this time he will probably be a Shi'ite. What most people do not understand is that you cannot free a people unless they want to be free. The people that depend on another nation to free them will wind up being dependent on the nation that freed them.

How do we know that the guy that was executed is the real Saddam? This is one of the questions the corporate media will never ask and they are hoping that the American public never asks that question.

Mrs Saddam says Saddam is not Saddam

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Someone Else Doesn't Like Obama

And she's not from the right-wing:
Indiana's junior senator, Democrat Evan Bayh, recently visited New Hampshire to weigh his prospects for a 2008 presidential run. He was flattened by crowds running to see Obama, and dropped out.

What was Obama saying that other centrists would not have? Absolutely nothing.

Obama talked about ending the nastiness in Washington and taking personal responsibility, and that government can't solve all problems -- platitudes emptied of all controversy. If anything, his colleagues from Indiana would surely have offered more exciting commentary.

Obama's appeal comes not from the things he says, but from who is saying them. He scores as an exotic who talks of barbershops and church socials in the flat tones you'd expect from any son of the prairie.

Had Bayh been half-Kenyan and raised in Hawaii by white grandparents from Kansas, he too would have become a political star, at least for the month of December. But he is a conventional white man. When Bayh speaks in the quiet Midwestern way, he gets tarred as lackluster.

Obama is a DLC Democrat disguised as a liberal populist. Hopefully Democrat voters will see through this facade and vote for someone else in the 2008 primaries.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Like most congressional Democrats, he bowed before the Israeli war machine and praised the IDF's brazen aggression in Lebanon, going so far as to visit northern Israel during the war in a show of support. He opposed a cease-fire – "I don't fault Israel for wanting to rid their border with Lebanon from those Katyusha missiles that can fire in and harm Israeli citizens, so I think that any cease-fire would have to be premised on the removal of those missiles" – and absurdly averred:

"I don't think there is any nation that would not have reacted the way Israel did after two soldiers had been snatched. I support Israel's response to take some action in protecting themselves."

According to this logic, the U.S. should have invaded Iran when the Iranians took hostages at our embassy – and, come to think of it, he does endorse an attack on Tehran, as reported by the Chicago Tribune:

"U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama suggested Friday that the United States one day might have to launch surgical missile strikes into Iran and Pakistan to keep extremists from getting control of nuclear bombs."

He stresses that military action is a "last resort," and that we ought to squeeze them with sanctions first:

"But if those measures fall short, the United States should not rule out military strikes to destroy nuclear production sites in Iran, Obama said.

"'The big question is going to be, if Iran is resistant to these pressures, including economic sanctions, which I hope will be imposed if they do not cooperate, at what point are we going to, if any, are we going to take military action?' Obama asked.

"Given the continuing war in Iraq, the United States is not in a position to invade Iran, but missile strikes might be a viable option, he said. Obama conceded that such strikes might further strain relations between the U.S. and the Arab world. 'On the other hand, having a radical Muslim theocracy in possession of nuclear weapons is worse. So I guess my instinct would be to err on not having those weapons in the possession of the ruling clerics of Iran. … And I hope it doesn't get to that point. But realistically, as I watch how this thing has evolved, I'd be surprised if Iran blinked at this point.'"

The United States, in Obama's reckoning , is the ultimate arbiter of who shall join the nuclear club and who is barred from that exclusive group: he makes no mention, naturally, of Israel's nukes. There's only the demagogic assertion that anything is better than Muslims with nukes. Are there any Muslims who aren't "radical," in his eyes?

Never mind that Iran is pursuing nuclear power while asserting only its right to nuclear weapons (and, at the same time, disdaining any ambitions to actually acquire them). And it doesn't matter, one assumes, that our own CIA has estimated it will be a good 10 years before the Iranians develop such a capacity. All they have to do, in Obama's view, is maintain their right to do so – and we slap them with sanctions. Which, of course, means war…

The pretty-boy face and the accomplished actor's polished technique aside, Barack Obama is just another shill for the War Party. And the sooner antiwar Democrats realize that, the better.

I agree with Raimondo. Obama is just more of the same. He is a creation of the media and when the media sees that he cannot win, they will destroy him just as quickly as they created him.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Blood Diamond

This is the best movie I've seen all year. The performances by Leonardo Dicaprio and Djimon Hounsou are outstanding. Everything in this movie is done well and it should get nominated for a few Oscars. Djimon Hounsou put everything he had into his character and if you see this movie, you will get choked up during his intense emotional dialogue with other characters.

Jennifer Connelly has a small role in this movie and she gives a better than average performance but the surprise of the movie is Dicaprio. Dicaprio is growing as an actor and I wouldn't be surprised if he won an Oscar in the future. Djimon Hounsou should get an Oscar this year for his brilliant performance in Blood Diamond. This movie is violent and very intense so leave the children at home if you decide to see Blood Diamond.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq

Here are the five biggest lies Bush told us about the Iraq war according to a book written by Lakshmi Chaudhry, Christopher Scheer, and Robert Scheer:

  1. Al-Qaida Ties To Iraq
  2. Iraq's Chemical And Biological Weapons
  3. Iraq's Nuclear Weapons
  4. The Iraq War Will Be A Cakewalk
  5. Iraq As A Democratic Model For The Middle East
The Al-Qaida/Osama Bin Ladin ties to Iraq were heavily pushed by right wing talking heads and leaders of the Republican Party prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This is the one lie that probably convinced a large segment of America to support regime change in Iraq.

These lies have led to 2,929 American military deaths and over 500,000 Iraqis being killed. Bush misled the public and Congress and he deserves to be impeached. I doubt if the newly elected Democratic Party leaders of Congress will have the balls to go after George W. Bush.

The people of America put the Democratic Party back into power because they wanted a change in the way America does business but it looks like the Democratic Party is more concerned about maintaining power than doing what is right.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Video Everyone Should See

I watched this documentary on HBO about hacking electronic voting machines and if it comes on HBO again, you should watch it as well. The name of the documentary is called "Hacking Democracy". If you don't have cable television, you can watch it at one of the links below.

Hacking Democracy in 10 parts

or you can watch part 1 here or click on the link below the embed to go to Youtube and watch the video.

Hacking Democracy on Youtube

Friday, November 17, 2006

UCLA Student Tasered

This is exactly the kind of shit that makes my blood boil. Police using excessive force to subdue a student in a library and people everywhere just watching the whole event like it's some reality show.

Let me tell you something people. If you see anyone being treated inhumanely, it is your duty to do something. In George Bush's America, actions like this are encouraged and even applauded by the cretinous Bushites. I bet Michelle Malkin and other Bushites are having multiple orgasms over this video.

If you want to learn more, check out this Daily Kos diary or just watch the video below and make up your own mind.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Democrats Take Back The House

Check out the final numbers by clicking here.

Nancy Pelosi has already said that she would not seek to impeach Bush if she became Speaker of the House so I'm not as excited as everyone else about the Democratic Party taking control of the House of Representatives. The Democrats are the good cop and the Republicans play the role of bad cop. Nothing will really change. There will only be the illusion of change.

The Dems still back Israel no matter what and so do the Repubs. The Dems do not want to immediately pull out of Iraq and neither do the Repubs. The Dems want amnesty/guest worker program for illegals and so do Bush Republicans. Hell, Bush might be able to get his guest worker program now because the Dems have the majority. Bush is not serious about a war on terrorism and the Dems are not serious about defeating international terrorism.

The only thing I'm going to like about the Dems being in control of the HOR is seeing the neo-con Republican talking heads explode everyday on their talk shows, radio shows, and blogs.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Have A Very Scary Halloween

Chaos Magick Link

Free Astral Projection Book

Vampire Myths And Reality

Dark Side Of The Net

Necronomicon FAQ

St. Louis Not Only Beat Detroit In The World Series

They also beat them in violent crimes:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - St. Louis may still be celebrating its
World Series baseball victory over Detroit, but on Monday Missouri's "Gateway City" learned it has topped Michigan's Motor City in another category -- violent crime.

St. Louis reclaimed the title of America's most dangerous city, which it last held in 2002, based on crime statistics reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and compiled by publisher Morgan Quitno Press.

Detroit was the second most dangerous city, while Flint, Michigan, and Compton, California, were third and fourth, respectively. Camden, New Jersey, most dangerous in last year's rankings, fell to fifth.

The survey is based on 2005 crime rates per 100,000 population for six basic categories -- murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft. It included 371 cities with populations over 75,000 that report the data to the FBI.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

America:Freedom To Fascism

Aaron Russo has created a great film about where America is headed and I recommend that you watch it and make a decision that will change your life.

America:Freedom To Fascism

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cub Fans Are Delusional

The Cubs have hired a new manager but that doesn't really change anything.

The team still sucks!

They don't have a leadoff man, #2 hitter, and their pitching staff is horrible. Their farm system is lacking in young talent and I seriously doubt if Lou Piniella can turn things around.

ESPN is reporting that Lou Piniella wants the Cubs to trade for Alex Rodriguez but the Cubs don't have anything to trade. I've been listening to sports radio and Cub fans are calling up and proclaiming that the Cubs will win the World Series next year. These poor bastards are almost as deluded as Bush backers. The NL central is a weak division so anything can happen but I seriously doubt if the Cubs will make it to the World Series by 2008.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Here's Something You Didn't Know

From The Baltimore Chronicle:
Most Americans don’t know that the U.S. gives $15,139,178 per day to the Israeli government and military and $232,290 per day to Palestinian NGOs; and that the Israeli unemployment rate is 8.9%, while the Palestinian unemployment is estimated at 25-31%.

The sheeple of America are definitely asleep when it comes to the issues that matter. We should not be giving away money to other nations when America is deep in debt.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I Still Don't Trust Democrats

The only reason I hope Democrats win in a few weeks is because I would like to see Bush impeached. There's a very small part of me that hopes the Democrats will get their act together but I seriously doubt that will happen. Remember these are the same people that voted for Bush's tax cuts, the Iraq war, and the Patriot Act.

If the Democrats win, they'll probably try to play nice and reach across the political aisle to unify the nation. The truth is that they're not trying to unify the nation, they're trying to con the people into thinking they are above petty politics when the fact is that the Democrats want to consolidate power as much as the Republicans.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Foley Scandal

This is what I think about the Foley scandal.

  1. Foley should be put in prison with perverts like himself.
  2. The page program should not be abolished. Don't punish the kids, punish the perverts.
  3. Republicans are corrupt motherfuckers. A prime example of this was Bill O'Reilly putting a D(Democrat) by Foley's name instead of R(Republican).
  4. Hastert should resign if he knew about this before the scandal broke.
  5. Democrats should be trying their best to link Foley to all Republicans because this might be a golden opportunity for them to take the House and/or Senate.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'll Never Understand Democrats

Over the past few years, the Republicans have been involved in scandal after scandal and the Democrats could not make any gains. There's a new sex scandal involving a Republican official and instead of burying the Republicans with this, you have some Democrats actually trying to argue whether he's a pedophile or sexual predator. This is from a diary on DailyKos:

I know I'm going to catch a tremendous amount of grief over this, but I believe I'm speaking the truth, so I gotta do it, ya know? it is. Based on all the knowledge we have, nothing indicates Foley is a pedophile. Sexual predator? Absolutely. Guilty of inappropriate sexual contact with minors? Quite probably, depending on the legal age of consent statutes of the jurisdictions involved. A fucking hypocritical piece of shit scumbag? Looks like it!

But no, he's not a pedophile. A pedophile is a someone who is "sexually attracted to pre-pubescent or peripubescent" people. Sixteen and seventeen year-olds (which are the only ages we have seen involved so far) are NOT in these categories. This is the accepted mental health definition, and I urge people to stick with it.

This type of shit just boggles my mind. The Republicans would never do this. If a Democrat was involved in a scandal involving teen boys, the Republicans would write article after article or diary after diary burying the Democrat. They would not become hung up on whether he's a textbook pedophile or sexual offender.

I scrolled down and found a poster who pretty much agrees with me on this:

and people like this diarist still "just don't get it". Phrases win and lose elections. Democrats aren't for "cutting and running" either, yet the phrase sells. SO maybe Foley is or isn't technically at this moment a certifies pedophile. He may be, he is a pervert, a predator which is close enough. Pedophile sells, pedophile will win you elections, it more accurately defines the man in peoples minds than other phrases.

Man sometimes I really don't understand you people, you really don't understand this sport of politics at all do you?

mr republican, is that a flag in your pocket or are you just glad to see my son?

by pissedpatriot on Sun Oct 01, 2006 at 05:08:53 AM PDT

What's funny is that this diary was recommended to the top of the list. These people really do not get it. Politics is about labeling your opponents before they get a chance to identify themselves. It seems like the diary writer wants to be honest and not run the pedophile's name through the mud more than they have to. This is why Democrats will continue to lose elections.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Stop Believing

The victory song of the Chicago White Sox was Don't Stop Believing by Journey. It looks like it's time to stop believing now because the Sox are not in the playoffs this year. Over the last few weeks, the players looked like they gave up and I'm sure this disappoints a lot of Chicagoans because the people of Chicago do not like quitters.

It looks like the AL playoff teams will be the Yankees, Tigers, Twins, and A's. I am picking the A's or Tigers to go to the World Series because I think the Yankees and Twins are pretenders.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Justin Raimondo On Rangel/Pelosi

Like I said yesterday, anyone with a brain can see through the Democrats defense of Bush. This is from an article by J. Raimondo of Antiwar.Com:
Once again, the UN is entertaining – and that's not a good thing. Its ominous meaning is that the world crisis is deepening, but in the meantime we are in for quite a spectacle. Hugo Chávez stole the show the other day, with his remarks likening the president to the Devil, crossing himself and raising his eyes to heaven in a performance that almost brought down the house. Yet his speech – little more than a concatenation of epithets and windy proposals to "reform" the UN – didn't amount to very much. It was, nevertheless, an occasion for a lot of politicians and pundits to chime in with their reviews, mainly from liberal Democratic peacocks who took the opportunity to proudly display their "patriotic" credentials. Listen to that old fraud and blowhard Charlie Rangel give Chávez a Bronx cheer:

"You do not come into my country, my congressional district, and you do not condemn my president. If there is any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to Americans, whether they voted for him or not. I just want to make it abundantly clear to Hugo Chávez or any other president, do not come to the United States and think because we have problems with our president that any foreigner can come to our country and not think that Americans do not feel offended when you offend our Chief of State."

If Rangel wants to propose a mutual nonintervention pact with Venezuela, I'm sure that would be fine by Chávez. The recent history of American meddling in Venezuelan affairs is substantial, to say nothing of the long record of U.S. support for ostensibly "anti-communist" juntas and coup leaders during the Cold War era. But the problem with Rangel's complaint goes beyond its brazen hypocrisy. One has to ask, why should criticism of the president be "restricted to Americans"?

If there's a 3rd party on your ballot this November, vote for that 3rd party. The Democrats and Republicans are pulling one of the greatest con jobs ever on the American people.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bush Will Not Be Impeached

If the Democrats take over the House and/or the Senate, they will not seek to impeach Bush. What do I base this on? I base it on the recent comments by Pelosi and Rangel. Both of these cretins came to Bush's defense when Chavez called Bush a devil.

This is the 1st time I've seen them rush to defend Bush and to be honest, it's enough to make you never want to vote for a Democrat again. Numerous world leaders have criticized Bush over the past 4 years yet I did not see Rangel or Pelosi running to defend him in the past.

This defense of Bush is a political stunt by the Democrats to make them look more patriotic to the voting public. Let me explain. By defending Bush, they are trying to convince the public that despite the differences between Pelosi/Rangel(Democrats) and Bush(Republicans), they back him as president and will not let some leader from another nation put down their president(national leader).

The Democrats are bought off by the Israeli lobby as well and a lot of them are just as neoconservative as the Republicans. If they take over Congress, they will not impeach Bush because they are weak, spineless, and bought off by various groups. They will claim that they do not want to drag the nation through another impeachment and will try to present themselves as peacemakers who reach over to the other side of the political aisle.

I will advise everyone I know to vote against the Democrats because they are just as bad as the Republicans. We need major reform in our political system because this two party system(really one party) is not working.

Leading Bush critic at home calls Chavez a "thug"

Thinking About Enlisting In The Military?

Watch this video and do some research before you turn your life over to this Republican ruled government. If you have a thirst for battle, know the realities of war, and want to join the military, I would not try to stop you from joining.

But if you are just joining so that you can learn a trade or pay for college, I would tell you to consider other options because Bush's war on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, and probably Iran will not allow you to attend college classes or learn a trade that you can use in the real world(unless you plan on having a career as a member of a Swat team or as a NOC officer for the CIA).

Go to Youtube to Watch by clicking here


Watch the video here

Monday, September 18, 2006

Frank Thomas For MVP

While everyone is focused on Jeter, Ortiz, and Dye as possible winners of the MVP award, Frank Thomas is being overlooked. This man is practically carrying the A's in the playoffs and if he stays hot, he might lead the A's to the World Series.

The White Sox were stupid for letting this man go and they paid for it by getting swept by the A's and Frank Thomas. I doubt that Thomas will win the MVP because the fix is in for Derek Jeter but it would be nice to see him get it. Frank was the best player on the White Sox for years and he's proving to his doubters that he is still one of the best in the league.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Israel Factor

Now this is truly unbelievable. A Jewish site now has their rankings on who would be the best President of the USA from Israel's points of view.

You can view the ranking by clicking here.

Israel has a lot of pull in American politics. Looking over their rankings, I wouldn't be surprised if we see Guiliani/Gingrich Vs Gore/Clinton. The ones ranked toward the bottom of the page will be subject to dirty tricks and bad press if they decide to run.

We need a president who will look out for America 1st instead of Israel 1st.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Senate Panel Defies Bush

The article title makes it sound like Bush is the supreme ruler of the United States. The only reason these senators are going against Bush is because there's an election in a couple of months.

Senate Panel Defies Bush Article

I've noticed that gas prices have slowly started to come down. Do you think this is a coincidence? The market is being manipulated to give the Republicans a boost in the November election. Once this election is over, watch gas prices go back up.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Blurring The Lines

I heard that Bush will speak right before ABC airs the Path to 9-11 film tomorrow. Most people cannot tell fiction from reality these days and that's exactly what the White House wants at this point in time. Republicans are banking on memories of 9-11 and terrorism to get them reelected in November.

The ABC movie/docudrama is nothing more than a propaganda film designed to brainwash the masses into thinking that what is in the movie is what really happened prior to 9-11.

The media is not liberal. Republicans would like us to think that the media is progressive/liberal but the media is corporate owned. They filter the news to the American public and seek to turn the majority of the population into obedient sheep.

Learn to think for yourself and do not rely on the corporate owned media for your news.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Senate: No pre-war Saddam, Qaeda link

Bush should be impeached because he lied to the American people and his right-wing hacks continue to lie to America every single day. This is from Rawstory/Yahoo:
WASHINGTON - There's no evidence
Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his Al-Qaida associates, according to a Senate report on prewar intelligence on
Iraq. Democrats said the report undercuts
President Bush's justification for going to war.

The declassified document being released Friday by the Senate Intelligence Committee also explores the role that inaccurate information supplied by the anti-Saddam exile group the Iraqi National Congress had in the march to war.

It discloses for the first time an October 2005
CIA assessment that prior to the war Saddam's government "did not have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi and his associates."

Bush and other administration officials have said that the presence of Zarqawi in Iraq before the war was evidence of a connection between Saddam's government and al-Qaida. Zarqawi was killed by a U.S. airstrike in June this year.

The long-awaited report, said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., a member of the committee, is "a devastating indictment of the Bush-Cheney administration's unrelenting, misleading and deceptive attempts" to link Saddam to al-Qaida.

Impeach Bush!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Early Morning Training

If you're trying to lose weight and get in shape, you should start doing early morning workout. I usually do early morning workouts during the spring and summer when the weather is nice. During the fall and winter, I switch to doing most of my running and cycling at Bally's. Early morning workouts help to burn off the fat from your body in the most stubborn places because the primary energy source is fat.

This is from an article on early morning training:
When is the best time of day to do your cardio? The answer is any time! The most important thing is that you just do it. Continuous cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, jogging, stairclimbing, or cycling, sustained for at least 30 minutes, will burn body fat no matter when you do it. However, if you want to get the maximum benefits possible from every minute you invest in your workouts, then you should consider getting up early and doing cardio before you eat your first meal - even if you're not a "morning person." Early morning cardio on an empty stomach has three major advantages over exercising later in the day:

Early morning before you eat, your levels of muscle and liver glycogen (stored carbohydrate) are low. If you eat dinner at 7 p.m and you eat breakfast at 7 a.m., that's 12 hours without food. During this 12-hour overnight fast, your levels of glycogen slowly decline to provide glucose for various bodily functions that go on even while you sleep. As a result, you wake up in the morning with depleted glycogen and lower blood sugar - the optimum environment for burning fat instead of carbohydrate. How much more fat you'll burn is uncertain, but some studies have suggested that up to 300% more fat is burned when cardio is done in a fasted, glycogen-depleted state.

Morning Cardio Benefit #1

So how exactly does this work? It's quite simple, really. Carbohydrate (glycogen) is your body's primary and preferred energy source. When your primary fuel source is in short supply, this forces your body to tap into its secondary or reserve energy source; body fat. If you do cardio immediately after eating a meal, you'll still burn fat, but you'll burn less of it because you'll be burning off the carbohydrates you ate first. You always burn a combination of fat and carbohydrate for fuel, but depending on when you exercise, you can burn a greater proportion of fat relative to carbohydrate. If doing cardio first thing in the morning is not an option for you, then the second best time to do it would be immediately after weight training. Lifting weights is anaerobic (carbohydrate-burning) by nature, and therefore depletes muscle glycogen. That's why a post lifting cardio session has a similar effect as morning cardio on an empty stomach.

If you're interested in this type of training, click on the link to read the whole article.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I love to run. I injured my foot late last year so I had to work my way back to my previous level. In July of this year, I stopped running on the track and treadmill at Ballys because I felt that running on the hard surface was not allowing my foot to completely heal. I started running in a local park on the grass and the results have been amazing. My foot is completely healed and I feel healthier than ever. Running in the park has been great for me because of the soft grass/soil and the fresh smell of the park. I went back to the gym yesterday and had a great run but chances are I'll be going back to the park tomorrow because it feels so good to run in the park.

Healthy Running Blog

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Iran Nukes?

There is a story going around that Iran will announce that it has nukes. Chances are this is just another one of those propaganda stories put out by the elite to scare the people into supporting an attack on Iran.

Claim:Iran makes Nuke Breakthrough

Monday, August 21, 2006

Bush Is Delusional

I think that George W Bush is losing his mind. This is from Rawstory:
US President George W. Bush has announced that the United States will not be leaving Iraq during his presidency, RAW STORY has learned.

"Either you say, 'Yes it’s important we stay there and get it done,' or we leave," Bush argued. "We’re not leaving so long as I’m the president. That would be a huge mistake."

At a news conference today, Bush also conceded that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.

Bush opened his remarks at 10 AM, announcing that the nation would be offering $230 million in aid to Lebanon. The president also called for fast deployment of an international peacekeeping force.

Late in the conference, when asked what Iraq's role was in the World Trade Center attacks, the president said, "Nothing."

But he went on to suggest that by overthrowing Saddam Hussein's regime, the United States could forestall future acts of terrorism by defeating resentment with hope, "and the best way to do hope is through a form of government."

I hope all the Republican voters caught that last part. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 but a lot of Republicans still believe that Saddam planned the 9-11 attacks.

Don't put your hope with the Democratic party because I doubt if they would impeach him. We're stuck with Bush for 2 more years and I hope we do not have a terror attack before that time.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

6 FT 8 Inch 13 Year Old Baseball Player

Holy shit!!
What the hell did they feed this guy when he was a little kid?

Here's a photo and link.

6-foot-8 13 year old towers over foes

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Karaite Judaism

I read the whole wikipedia page on Karaite Judaism and I found it very interesting. If I were to ever convert to Judaism, I would join the Karaites. The zionists in control of Israel would never let this version of Judaism become the main version because it would take away most of the power of the elite orthodox rabbis.

Wikipedia Karaite Judaism

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fear. Fear, Fear

Terror, terror, terror!!
That's the message of the Bush administration.
They want Americans to be afraid to continue to vote Republican.

Check out this from Raw Story:
A United Airlines flight from London to Washington DC was diverted to Boston after a confrontation with a female passenger on board the plane. The FBI has confirmed the incident.

The passenger, said CBS4 in Boston, had "a screwdriver, vaseline, water and a book referencing al Qaeda," along with matches, and claimed to be claustrophobic.

How the woman got the items onto the plane amid tight security has not yet been made clear.

Yep! She sure does sound like a mean old terrorist looking to take America down!

I guess you can't read books referencing Al-Qaida on planes anymore. The corporate media said she had a note referencing Al-Qaida now this story says she had a book. These bungling bozos in the media can't even get their stories straight.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bush Calls For Sealing Of Syria's Borders

Bush once again blames anyone but the nation of Israel for what happened in Lebanon.

Bush Calls For Sealing Of Syria's Borders

Monday, August 14, 2006

Is This Discrimination?

From the Times Online:
THE Government is discussing with airport operators plans to introduce a screening system that allows security staff to focus on those passengers who pose the greatest risk.

The passenger-profiling technique involves selecting people who are behaving suspiciously, have an unusual travel pattern or, most controversially, have a certain ethnic or religious background.

The system would be much more sophisticated than simply picking out young men of Asian appearance. But it would cause outrage in the Muslim community because its members would be far more likely to be selected for extra checks.

Officials at the Department for Transport (DfT) have discussed the practicalities of introducing such a system with airport operators, including BAA. They believe that it would be more effective at identifying potential terrorists than the existing random searches.

It looks like Britain is definitely becoming more of an authoritarian nation and less of a democratic nation. The threat of terrorism has the people in fear and the governments of Britain and America are taking advantage of the situation. Look for America to try to put in place more restrictions on what people can do.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Alex Jones Predicts 9-11

Condi claims she never heard about any terrorist plans to ram planes into high rise building yet Alex Jones predicted something like that would happen. If he knew something like this was possible, our government officials knew that it was possible. I believe that Bush let 9-11 happen so that he would benefit politically. The video clip is from a July 2001 Alex Jones show.

Click Here To Watch At YouTube Site


Watch it here.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Everyone with a brain knows that Bush and company covered up the real story of 9-11 and why it happened but the corporate media has been slow to pick up on this. Lou Dobbs does what Fox News and MSNBC analysts refuse to do. He calls Bush and his administration a bunch of liars.

Lou Dobbs Wakes up


Watch it here.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Black Bush

A very funny skit by Dave Chappelle.

New Video By Alex Jones

Since the news channels are broadcasting nothing but terror, terror, terror all day long, I thought I would post the link to the new Alex Jones video called Terror Storm.

Click Here To Watch Terror Storm

Or you can stay here and watch it.

Keep The Population In Fear

That's what the American and British governments are trying to do when they release details of a supposedly foiled terror plot. The corporate media is a wing of the government and their job is to keep the propaganda rolling.

The conspiracy theorist in me says that this whole thing is in response to the worldwide outrage against Israel attacking Lebanon. This smells like a black op, flase-flag operation designed to get Europe and the rest of the world behind Israel, America, and Britain. I bet the corporate media stations(NBC, CNN,Fox) will broadcast nothing but terror plot all day long.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lieberman Loses

Lieberman is a sore loser. He has decided to run as an Independent or an Independent Democrat as he calls it. I think he's full of shit and nothing more than a Bush asskisser. I hope the Dems and Repubs rip this fake independent to shreds.

Lieberman Defiant In Defeat

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lieberman Trailing Early

I laughed my ass off at the Rovian move the Lieberman campaign tried earlier today. If you have not heard, the Lieberman campaign tried to say that the Lamont campaign hacked Joe's webpage and shut it down. Early returns show that Lieberman is behind but anything is possibe in the age of vote tampering and Diebold.

Lieberman Trailing in Early Returns

Monday, August 07, 2006

Can Lieberman Win The Primary?

If you're a passionate disciple of Kos, you're against Lieberman and everything he represents. Lieberman was practically begging the voters to keep him in office when he was on the morning talk shows. Lieberman's support of the Iraq war and Dubya Bush has pissed off Democrat bloggers and a win for the Kos guy will give the netroots new power and influence.

Lieberman Explains His Stance on Iraq

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mel Gibson Apologizes

From the Drudge Report:
August 2, 2006 -- There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of Anti-Semitic remark. I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge.

I am a public person, and when I say something, either articulated and thought out, or blurted out in a moment of insanity, my words carry weight in the public arena. As a result, I must assume personal responsibility for my words and apologize directly to those who have been hurt and offended by those words.

The tenets of what I profess to believe necessitate that I exercise charity and tolerance as a way of life. Every human being is God’s child, and if I wish to honor my God I have to honor his children. But please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot. Hatred of any kind goes against my faith.

I’m not just asking for forgiveness. I would like to take it one step further, and meet with leaders in the Jewish community, with whom I can have a one on one discussion to discern the appropriate path for healing.

I don't know exactly what Mel Gibson said when he was drunk but I doubt that it warrants this type of begging. I'm not saying that it's o.k. to say bad things about Jews, I just think the whole thing is being blown way out of proportion.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

34 Youths Among 56 Dead in Israeli Attack

Well, it looks like Israel is on the attack again:
An Israeli airstrike killed at least 56 people, including at least 34 children, in a southern Lebanese village Sunday, the Lebanese Red Cross said. It was the deadliest attack in 19 days of fighting. Lebanese security officials put the toll at 57 dead. Security officials said the toll rose dramatically after 18 people from two families were found in a single room of the building, where dozens of people had been taking refuge from the fighting.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice postponed a visit to Lebanon in a setback for diplomatic efforts to end hostilities.

Infuriated Lebanese officials said they had asked Rice to postpone the visit after Israel's missile strike on Qana. But Rice said she called Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora to say she would postpone the trip, and that she had work to do in Jerusalem to end the fighting.

The missiles destroyed several homes in the village of Qana as people were sleeping.

Israeli said it targeted Qana because it was a base for hundreds of rockets launched at Israeli, including 40 that injured five Israelis on Sunday. Israel said it had warned civilians several days before to leave the village.

"One must understand the Hezbollah is using their own civilian population as human shields," said Israeli Foreign Ministry official Gideon Meir. "The Israeli defense forces dropped leaflets and warned the civilian population to leave the place because the Hezbollah turned it into a war zone."
I'm beginning to think that the real terrorists in this whole situation is the nation of Israel. It's obvious that they do not care about the civilians in Lebanon. If another nation was doing what Israel is doing, the American government and media would be outraged but because the Israelis are doing it, they get a free pass. Bush and the rapture corner of America are fully behind Israel and if this should escalate in the future, American soldiers will be in Lebanon and/or Syria fighting.

Do You Like Fantasy Baseball?

I love to play fantasy sports. My two favorite fantasy sports are baseball and football. If you like fantasy baseball, I have the perfect fantasy simulation game for you. The game is called Baseball Mogul and it's one of the best simulation games around. In the game, you can own your favorite baseball team and see if you have the mangerial and decision making skills to take your team to the World Series. The 2005/2006 version of the game is free. You can download the game by clicking the "download now for free" link on the page.

Baseball Mogul 2006 Page Link

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Israel and Democrats

It is true that every nation has to defend themselves but when you have a military like Israel has -- with American jets, choppers, and bombs --- you can use pinpoint accuracy, intel agencies, and your military special forces to take out terrorists. You don't have to destroy a nation and its cities in order to destroy the terrorists you are seeking. Israel is deliberately targeting civilian areas and they are doing this with the full backing of the United States government.

Israel has the sympathy of the religious wackos in America and that's one of the reasons why American politicians back Israel. Republicans and Democrats in Congress refuse to go against Israel because they do not want to be called anti-semites and they want to be on the good side of the Israeli lobby. Now I know some people will say that Democrats are supposedly progressive but I disagree with that idea because of how Democratic politicians vote in Congress. Let's look at all the things the Democratic party supports:
  • Democrats support Israel unconditionally
  • Democrats are against gay marriage
  • Democrats voted for the Iraq war
  • Democrats support an attack on Iran
  • Democrats voted for Bush's tax cuts
  • Democrats support Bush's illegal alien supporting guest worker program
The Democrats support the same issues as the Republicans therefore they are not really that progressive. I know some people will call me an anti-semite and say I hate Jews but that is one of their prized tactics to shift the focus of the argument. I do not hate Jews, I just hate what the Israeli government is putting innocent civilians through.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Buckley:Bush Not A True Conservative

It looks like Bush's own people are turning against him. This is from CBS News:
"I think Mr. Bush faces a singular problem best defined, I think, as the absence of effective conservative ideology — with the result that he ended up being very extravagant in domestic spending, extremely tolerant of excesses by Congress," Buckley says. "And in respect of foreign policy, incapable of bringing together such forces as apparently were necessary to conclude the Iraq challenge."

Asked what President Bush's foreign policy legacy will be to his successor, Buckley says "There will be no legacy for Mr. Bush. I don't believe his successor would re-enunciate the words he used in his second inaugural address because they were too ambitious. So therefore I think his legacy is indecipherable"

This is very interesting stuff but why didn't Buckley come out against Bush in 2004? Conservatives are trying to distance themselves from Bush because he is self-destructing but we should not let them do that. Bush is a conservative. Congress is dominated and ruled by conservative Republicans. Conservatives have ruled our government for over 6 years and all they do is spend, spend, spend and back legislation that the majority of Americans disagree with. Their conservative strategies on how to run our government have failed and it is time we kicked them out and started over.

Running On A Bad Foot

My foot has been bothering me ever since I injured it late last year. I took about 2 months off from running to let it heal and I started training again in Feb. 2006. It has been a long road back to my previous form but I am finally getting back in great shape. I knew I was feeling good when I ran 4.5 miles in 30 minutes a few days ago and I didn't feel any pain. Hopefully, I'll be able to enter my preseason style training by the end of August and depending on how my foot holds up, I might be able to enter a 5k by October or November.

Friday, July 21, 2006

More On the War In Lebanon

It doesn't look like Israel is going to stop anytime soon so prepare for a conflict that might last a long time. If Syria and Iran get involved, America will get involved and we could be looking at a scenario that leads to another world war.

Israel Hints at Full-Scale Lebanon Attack

Syrian Citizens Protest

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Israel And David Ben Gurion

I am continually disgusted by what Israel is doing to Lebanon. I think terrorists should be captured or killed but civilian casualties should be avoided. Israel is oppressing and killing the Palestinians and the people of Lebanon and the leaders of America are fully behind them. We need to stop blindly backing Israel and seek an immediate ceasefire.

The Israelis are destroying Lebanon because of Hezbollah but Lebanon has no control over what Hezbollah does. I've been doing a little bit of research so I can understand the modern state of Israel. One of the early leaders of Israel was a man named David Ben Gurion and his zionist philosophy is the base of the Israeli approach to middle eastern affair. Here are some quotes from David Ben Gurion:
  • Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been antisemitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generation's time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it's simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army. Our whole policy is there. Otherwise the Arabs will wipe us out.
  • We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.
  • The boundaries of Zionist aspirations are the concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit them.
  • The boundaries of Zionist aspiration include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today’s Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan [West Bank] and the Sinai.

This is from David Ben Gurion: A Brief Biography:
When Ben-Gurion heard of the Passfield White Paper in 1931 (which proposed halting the implementation of the Balfour Declaration), he was furious with "these cowardly traitors" who were responsible for the proposed new policy. He stated:

"England is a great power, the greatest empire. But to shatter even the largest stones on earth, it takes only a small quantity of explosive powder. Such powder packs tremendous force. If the creative force within us is capable of stopping this EVIL EMPIRE, then the explosive force will ignite, and we will topple this blood-stained imperium. . . . We will be those who take this war upon ourselves and beware thee, British Empire!" (Shabtai Teveth, p. 111) Ben-Gurion called on his colleagues to "prepare for a long and difficult road, if we are left with no alternatives, a road of alliance with the Arabs against these despicable powers." (Shabtai Teveth, p. 112)

Although the British Government nullified the Passfield White Paper soon after, and the alliance between Great Britain and the Zionists continued to flourish until 1945, Ben-Gurion (who commanded the Haganah), Yitzhak Shamir (who commanded the Stern Gang), and Menachem Begin (who commanded the Irgun Gang) all joined forces to wage a war of terror against the British forces in Palestine and the Palestinian people between 1945-1947. Similarly, we predict that when Israel's alliance with the United States outlives its usefulness (especially when the American people recognize that supporting Israel, right or wrong, would not be in their national interests), then the American people will come face to face with a tyrant whom they have armed, financed, and trained. Now Israel has several hundred A-Bombs, and bulling it may not be an option! Time will tell if this "holy alliance" will last and won't collide with America's strategic national interests in the Middle East! In such a case, we wonder how America might react?

Ben-Gurion had strange ideas to justify why Jews have the right to settle in Palestine. He explained that the right of the Jews to Palestine rested on their capacity for developing its resources. He declared in 1930:

"We do not recognize any form of absolute ownership over any country. Any group of diligent persons, every industrious people, is entitled to enjoy the fruits of labor, and do with its talents as it pleases. it has no right to prevent others from doing the same, or to close the doors leading to nature's gifts in the faces of others. The five million inhabitants of Australia have no right to close the gates of their continent--which they alone cannot fully exploit-- and so exclude the masses of desperate people seeking a new place to work. This is the principle behind the right of free migration, championed by international socialism." (Shabtai Teveth, p. 37)

Reading about this man is definitely helping me understand modern Israel.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Nightmare Called SP2

SP2 is the service pack issued by Microsoft. It updates everything and gives the Microsoft user a new security function. Back in 2004, I read about the problems some people were having with SP2. Some people were complaining that certain programs no longer worked and that the new service pack fucked up their system. After reading all of these horror stories, I decided to pass on the new service pack from Microsoft and take care of network security and other various functions myself.

Earlier today I decided to download SP2 because I wanted to see what type of updates Microsoft put into this service pack. I put the SP2 on both of my computers and the problems started after everything was updated. On my main computer, the SP2 completely knocked off my internet connection and it decided to block Zonealarm, my antivirus program, and my .NET software. Once I saw the problems that this update was giving my main computer, I did a system restore and restored my computer to an earlier date. Everything was back to normal with the main computer. On my laptop, the SP2 blocked all of the same things and it would not let me establish a wireless connection. I immediately uninstalled the SP2 from my laptop and everything was back to normal.

Let me give you some advice. Learn the basics about computers, networking, and security. This will help you in the long run because if you rely on the SP2 and Microsoft updates, you will mess up your system. Go to the library, check out a basic book on networking & security and you'll be o.k.

Do not rely on Microsoft because they will fuck you in the end!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Yo Blair!

Just the thought of Bush trying to use modern slang makes me laugh my ass off. I guess the Israeli situation is really getting to Bush.

Bush: 'Yo, Blair, they've got to stop doing this s***'

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Members Of The Military Get Free Tickets

Some of the other baseball teams give discounts to the military but these are the only three teams I could find that actually give away free tickets to military members.

Chicago White Sox
Kansas City Royals
St. Louis Cardinals

If you know someone currently serving in the military who lives in one of those 3 areas, let them know that they can attend baseball games for free.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Novak Says Rove Was A Source

It looks like there will be no Fitzmas for the Daily Kos Democrats who wanted Rove to be indicted. I wanted him to go down but I live in reality and in reality, the truly corrupt never go to prison.

Novak: Rove Was a Source in Outing Plame

Monday, July 10, 2006

China Gets Into The Mix

I bet Bolton is ready to blow his top. China is the superpower of the future and the Bush administration knows that they have no control over what goes on in Asia.

China drafts UN statement on N.Korea

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I think that running is the king of all exercises. I've been running consistently since 1999 and I love it. Yesterday was the 1st day of the year that I have ran outside and it was fun. The temperature was around 90 degrees and humid. My lungs felt like they were burning for the 1st couple of miles but I completed a 40 minute run through the streets of Chicago. I usually go to the gym and run on the treadmills but nothing beats a run on the street. Running on a treadmill is slightly different from running on the street. Treadmill running is easier on the legs and you're running in a controlled environment. If you are new to running, try to do a couple of runs on the track or the street so you'll be truly fit for competitions or a friendly 5K race.

Runners World Magazine

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jay Mariotti Is An Idiot

This is from Eric Zorn's Oct. 28, 2005 blog post about Jay Mariotti. Zorn's research shows that Mariotti is bad at predictions and his hatred for the White Sox comes through loud and clear. I think the only reason Mariotti has a job is because he is good at creating controversy.

Click here to read the article.

I learned about this article through a blog
called Jay The Joke.


This does not look good:
NIZMIT HILL, Israel (Reuters) - Israeli tanks and troops massed near Gaza on Tuesday for a threatened offensive against Palestinian militants as the Israeli government said it would target Hamas leaders if an abducted soldier was not freed.

In northern Gaza, Palestinians blocked roads with dirt and barbed wire. Militants wielding automatic rifles and anti-tank rockets rigged explosive devices along a road as tensions hit their highest since
Israel quit Gaza nearly a year ago.

The United States urged Israel to give diplomatic negotiations a chance to win the release of Corporal Gilad Shalit, who was seized on Sunday by militants who also killed two soldiers in a raid on a military border post.

Israel's military build-up came as Palestinian factions put aside months of internal acrimony and agreed on a manifesto at the heart of a power struggle between the moderate President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas.

The proposal calls for a Palestinian state alongside Israel. But one Hamas lawmaker said the deal did not mean the militant group was recognizing Israel, which it is sworn to destroy.

Israel is looking for any reason to attack the Palestinian people and now they have their reason.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

U.S. Top Threat To World Peace

The Republicans are going to rip Murtha a new asshole for saying that our presence in Iraq is the top threat to world peace but it's the truth. Terrorism and the United States under the Bush regime are the top threats to world peace. I support a war against terrorism but Bush is not fighting a war against terrorism. Bush used the excuse of 9-11 to start a war with Iraq so the defense industry and the elites could make a little bit more money.

Murtha says U.S. poses top threat to world peace

Friday, June 23, 2006

Intel Officials Vs. Bush Regime

This is very interesting:
WASHINGTON - Senior U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday they have no evidence that Iraq produced chemical weapons after the 1991 Gulf War, despite recent reports from media outlets and Republican lawmakers.

Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan on Wednesday pointed to a newly declassified report that says coalition forces have found 500 munitions in Iraq that contained degraded sarin or mustard nerve agents.

They cited the report in an attempt to counter criticism by Democrats who say the decision to go to war was a mistake.

But defense officials said Thursday that the weapons were not considered likely to be dangerous because of their age, which they determined to be pre-1991.

Pentagon officials told NBC News that the munitions are the same kind of ordnance the U.S. military has been gathering in Iraq for the past several years, and "not the WMD we were looking for when we went in this time."

I'll take the word of an intel official any day of the week over blockhead, borg-like Republicans. Malkin, Hannity and the usual suspects look like they are about to have orgasms over this but this is nothing more than just another ploy to divert your attention from issues that really matter to Americans.

More B.S. From The Bush Regime

This is from ABC-News:
June 22, 2006 — Federal agents, including the FBI, launched a series of raids tonight targeting a suspected terror cell based in Miami, and federal law enforcement officials said seven people have been arrested over the past two days.

Among those arrested, five were U.S. citizens, one was a permanent legal resident, and one was a Haitian who was in the United States illegally on a visa overstay, federal officials told ABC News.

The group has been under surveillance for some time and was infilitrated by a government informant who allegedly led them to believe he was an Islamic radical, a Justice Department official said.

The group had expressed interest and discussed bombing targets in Miami and the Sears Tower in Chicago, sources familiar with the investigation said.

I have a very hard time believing anything that the Bush clan puts out. I'm suspicious of the government informant posing a radical Islamist. I want to know exactly what the informant was doing and how far he led the supposed terrorists. The November elections are very close and the doctored Bin Ladin tape of October 2004 shows that these corrupt bastards will do anything to stay in power.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Corrupt Political Parties

What is the deal with the Democrats? Do they want to defeat the Republicans in November? Judging by their actions, I would say that they do not want to win. They lack an organized message and a true leader to take that message to the American people. The Republican politicians running the United States government in 2006 are corrupt and evil. I usually don't go around calling people or organizations evil but when you tell America that there is no timetable for pulling out of Iraq and that you are willing to let more young, brave Americans die for a lie, you are an evil motherfucker. Sooner or later, the people will get fed up with all of the crap being heaped upon them by corrupt politicians of both parties and they will revolt. Now the question is will it be a peaceful revolution through the ballot or will it be a violent revolution?

I think it will be peaceful and a new political party will be formed to take the place of the Democrats and Republicans. The politicians in Washington should keep in mind these words from the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Operation Return To Sender

Click here to read about the arrest of over 2000 illegal aliens. This is another attempt by Bush to convince his conservative base that Republicans are tough on illegal immigration.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rove Cleared

I have said from day 1 that I think Fitzgerald is on Bush's side and he will try to minimize any damage that might come from Plame-Gate. The whole United States government is corrupt and hopefully Americans will realize this before it's too late.

Karl Rove Dodges Indictment

The Market

Why has the stock market been constantly in the red the past two weeks?
Most of the market watchers agree that inflation fears are fueling this downward trend.

USA-Today: Wholesale inflation rises

Yahoo: The Street's Wary Eye On Inflation

Fed officials reveal more worries about inflation

Friday, June 09, 2006

FBI Says "No Hard Evidence Connecting Bin Ladin to 9-11"

This is from the Muckraker Report:
On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

Surprised by the ease in which this FBI spokesman made such an astonishing statement, I asked, “How this was possible?” Tomb continued, “Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11.” I asked, “How does that work?” Tomb continued, “The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”

It shouldn’t take long before the full meaning of these FBI statements start to prick your brain and raise your blood pressure. If you think the way I think, in quick order you will be wrestling with a barrage of very powerful questions that must be answered. First and foremost, if the U.S. government does not have enough hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11, how is it possible that it had enough evidence to invade Afghanistan to “smoke him out of his cave?” The federal government claims to have invaded Afghanistan to “root out” Bin Laden and the Taliban. Through the talking heads in the mainstream media, the Bush Administration told the American people that Usama Bin Laden was Public Enemy Number One and responsible for the deaths of nearly 3000 people on September 11, 2001. Yet nearly five years later, the FBI says that it has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.
I find it amazing that the FBI cannot find enough evidence to directly link Bin Ladin to the Sept 11, 2001 attacks. America has been deceived by the government and it seems like the people really don't give a shit. I say that the people do not give a shit because millions of people continue to support this administration and 61 million people voted for Bush. Americans continue to look the other way while this corrupt administration shreds our constitution and allows our military to fight in a meaningless war. The short-selling prior to 9-11, the ineffectiveness of our military on 9-11, and Bush continuing to listen to a bunch of kids after he was told about 9-11 led me to believe that it was an inside job. As President of the United States, Bush should've been available to give orders to the military to shoot down planes but he just sat there and listened to My Pet Goat.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Zarqawi Dead

Republicans party like it's 1999.

Democrats play it down.

Prison Planet:Pentagon Jettisons US Agent Provocateur Al-Zarqawi

I bring you this 2 year article from MSNBC:

With Tuesday’s attacks, Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant with ties to al-Qaida, is now blamed for more than 700 terrorist killings in Iraq.

But NBC News has learned that long before the war the Bush administration had several chances to wipe out his terrorist operation and perhaps kill Zarqawi himself — but never pulled the trigger.

In June 2002, U.S. officials say intelligence had revealed that Zarqawi and members of al-Qaida had set up a weapons lab at Kirma, in northern Iraq, producing deadly ricin and cyanide.

The Pentagon quickly drafted plans to attack the camp with cruise missiles and airstrikes and sent it to the White House, where, according to U.S. government sources, the plan was debated to death in the National Security Council.

‘People were more obsessed with developing the coalition to overthrow Saddam than to execute the president’s policy of pre-emption against terrorists.’

This strike was a political move to save Bush and his political allies. This is a mini Wag the Dog moment and this whole administration should be ashamed of itself for waiting 4 years to take out Zarqawi when they had the chance back in 2002.

Monday, June 05, 2006

200 GB Laptop Drive

My computer has 80GB and I'm still having trouble filling it up. If I got a computer with a 200GB drive, chances are 100GB or more would go unused for years.

Toshiba Unveils 200-GB Laptop Drive

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Big Brother Is Watching

The picture is of a police camera on the west side of Chicago. These cameras are usually in locations that are predominantly black or latino. If Mayor Daley has his way, these cameras will be in every neighborhood in Chicago. Your every move will be monitored by officials in Chicago so make sure you know where you are at before you start acting like an asshole. Exhibitionists should be extra careful because you might see your kinky antics on Newsfilter, Cops or one of those other cop related shows on F/X or UPN.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

George Bush

Approval Rating Below 30%

No Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in Iraq

Over 2400 American soldiers dead in Iraq For A Lie

No Osama Bin Ladin

Creating more McJobs than white collar or manufacturing jobs

He wants to eliminate the current social security system

Uranium From Niger In Iraq? In The 1980s? Yes! In 2002? No!

Loves pretzels

Loves crashing bikes

Constantly Sells Out Average Americans But Loves Illegals

Doesn't know what tribal sovereignty is

If you screw up in his administration, you will get promoted instead of fired

Bush Wants War With Iran but Iran Is Abiding By The NPT -- article 1

Bush Wants War With Iran but Iran Is Abiding By The NPT -- article 2

Bush Wants War With Iran "All Options Are On The Table"

Bush Wants War With Iran " World Will Act If Iran Won't Halt Uranium Enrichment"

I have to add something here. There is no evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapons program. The IAEA even said that Iran is abiding by the NPT. Bush did the same exact thing in 2002 right before the fall elections. He talked about diplomacy but once the fall elections of 2002 were over and the terrorism talk and war talk combined with the lack of spine in the Democratic Party led to more Republican victories, the talk about diplomacy was over and it was time to attack Iraq. The same method is being used again and I'm waiting to see if Americans will fall for it again.

Impeach Bush

Friday, May 26, 2006

Mass Amnesty

Alex Jones:Mass Amnesty And The End Of America


Your United States Senate has sold you out once again. 33 Republicans and 3 Democrats voted against the immigration bill. 38 Democrats, 23 Republicans, and 1 Independent voted for the immigration bill. Rockefeller (D-WV) & Salazar (D-CO) did not vote. Click the link below to see the roll call vote on the immigration bill.

S. 2611 (Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 )

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Foreign Flags & Che Guevara

I was on the bus yesterday and I noticed a latino guy with a Mexican flag tied to his bookbag. Why do American citizens do this? I don't understand it at all. If someone wants to celebrate their culture, I support that 100% but can we stop with the ridiculous flag waving.

I was walking today and I spotted a woman wearing a bright red shirt with a picture of Che Guevara. This is another one of those things that makes me shake my head. Che Guevara was a Communist who supported the freedom hating USSR. He routinely blasted the American government while promoting the totalitarian regime that was in the USSR(Hypocrite?). He repressed and killed thousands of people yet young people wear shirts with his picture on it and celebrate him like he's a hero. I think that anyone who wears a Che shirt is an idiot. If you're wearing a Che shirt, you should not be allowed to reproduce because it's obvious that your IQ is below 100.

The major religions believe that the meek shall inherit the earth. I'm starting to think that someone made a mistake. There are more idiots than smart people in the world. Most people rely on emotional reasoning. In 21st century America, rational thinking is a rare thing. Most of the people of the world are sheep who will believe anything that their government or religious leaders tell them. The meek will not inherit the earth. Religious wackos and cretins wearing Che shirts will inherit the earth and that's when the world will end.

I don't usually support NewsMax but this article fits the post.

The Real Che Guevara

Monday, May 22, 2006

Check Your Credit Report

I found a great site that lets you check your credit report for free. I recommend the Experian report because that's the only one that allowed me to view my report online. The other two want you to mail in a form and they'll send your report in 2 weeks.

Annual Credit Report Link

Friday, May 19, 2006

Bush At 22%

Bush is at 22% in New York according to World Net Daily.

Non-Muslim Badge Story True Or False?

Michelle Malkin has a story on her blog about Iran making non-Muslims wear badges(like Nazi Germany). Click here to read that post on Malkin's blog.

Rawstory has a story claiming that the story is false. Click here to read the Rawstory article.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A 370 Mile Fence

I bet the Republican politicians in Washington think that this is good enough to calm their conservative base. If they really wanted to impress everyone, they would've ok'd a fence for the whole southern border.

This is from ABC News:
The Senate agreed to give millions of illegal immigrants a shot at U.S. citizenship and backed construction of 370 miles of triple-layered fencing along the Mexican border Wednesday. Prospects for legislation clearing Congress were clouded by a withering attack against President Bush by a prominent House Republican.

"Regardless of what the president says, what he is proposing is amnesty," said Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., the lawmaker who would lead House negotiators in any attempt to draft a compromise immigration bill later this year.

Bush stood his ground. "The Republican Party needs to lead on the issue of immigration," he told an audience of GOP donors, "…America can be a lawful society and a welcoming society and we don't have to choose between the two."

The blast by Sensenbrenner, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, came on the day the White House dispatched top presidential aide Karl Rove to ease the concerns of rebellious House Republicans and GOP senators clashed on the Senate floor.

If the Republicans in the Senate want to remain in office, they had better take that guest worker plan off of the table. Everyone knows that it is a form of amnesty and I doubt if they can change the minds of the people who want the current laws on the books enforced.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Senate Rejects 'Security-First' Proposal

Once again, the Senate has their heads up their asses. This link is from World Net Daily.

Senate Rejects 'Security-First' Proposal

This is from the NY Times:

The Senate defeated, 55 to 40, a proposal by Senator Johnny Isakson, Republican of Georgia, that lawmakers demand that border-security measures be in place before beginning a guest-worker program of the kind envisioned by President Bush.

The 55 senators rejected Mr. Isakson's argument that, if the Congress did not act now, it would have to a decade or so from now, and that "instead of 10 million or 12 million, it will be 24 million" illegal immigrants at issue.

Opponents of the Isakson measure (36 Democrats, 18 Republicans and the independent James Jeffords of Vermont) maintained that it would be an obstacle to the kind of comprehensive legislation that is needed.

When you break down the vote, you see that more Republicans favored security 1st and more Democrats favor open borders. The Republican led Senate has screwed things up in America but if the Democrats take over, I believe that they would give all the illegal aliens amnesty and this is unacceptable to me. I'll be watching the Senate votes very closely to see which side has the balls to secure our borders and deny the illegals amnesty.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Flashback: Bush Budget Scraps
9,790 Border Patrol Agents

Let's go back in time.

Bush budget scraps 9,790 border patrol

The Bush Speech

I had a feeling that Bush was going to say something that we have already heard, so I went to Bally's to exercise. I've been scanning various blogs and it seems like there are a lot of conservatives who are pissed off at Bush and Senate Republicans. Democrats at blogs like Daily Kos are against the idea of the National Guard on the border but that's to be expected considering that most Democrats and their representatives are open to the idea of amnesty for all of the illegal aliens.

I was thinking that a compromise would have to be made but I've changed my mind. We can't give in to the pro-amnesty, reconquista types who want to destroy America and take over the southwest.

Here's what I think should be done.

The United States government should build a wall along the border, equip it with 100s of cameras, hire and train 1000s of new Border Patrol Agents, and put the National Guard and the Army on the border until those agents are trained. Any illegal immigrant caught trying to sneak into America or any illegal immigrants caught in the USA should be treated as criminals and should be sent back to their home nation. Any company caught employing illegal aliens should be fined $250k per illegal alien. I say no to amnesty and the new guest worker plan. If these people really want to work in America, they can do it the way everyone else does it and you can see how everyone else does it by clicking here.

What should be done about the people who are here illegally? I think that we should deport them. I disagree with Bush on deportation. Anything can be accomplished once you put your mind to it and deportation of millions of people would be rather easy. What wouldn't be easy is the media scrutiny if we decided to deport millions of people and the possiblity that the illegal aliens might riot. I can't wait to see what the Senate Republicans do because I think their actions will determine if the Republicans maintain control of Congress in November.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Laura Bush

I think she's a bigger idiot than her husband.

This is from Reuters:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - First lady Laura Bush said on Sunday she does not believe opinion polls showing her husband's approval ratings at record low levels.

Interviewed on Fox News Sunday, Laura Bush said she did not think people were losing confidence in President George W. Bush, despite a series of polls showing support for him at its lowest point in his five-year presidency and among the lowest for any president in the past 50 years.

"I don't really believe those polls. I travel around the country. I see people, I see their responses to my husband. I see their response to me," she said.

Damn! She is one delusional woman. Bush speaks before handpicked crowds. What Laura sees is the 29% of America that still supports Bush. She does not see that most of the nation hates his guts.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Bush Might Send
National Guard To Border

Bush is a very desperate man. Desperate politicians will do anything when it comes to their legacy and I'm willing to bet that Bush might even pull a "Wag the Dog" if his poll numbers dip anymore than they already have. A few weeks ago he said he wanted Congress to pass a guest worker plan and now he wants to send troops to the border. I don't think he can have it both ways but I bet he'll try to pull it off. Click the links to read more about the border issue.

Raw Story:Bush Might Send National Guard To Border

Yahoo: Bush Weighs Sending Troops To The Border

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Interesting Article From CNN
On Latino Population Growth

This is from CNN.Com:
President Bush and Congress have been debating changes to the nation's immigration laws in recent months, spawning a series of high-profile demonstrations across the country by protesters sympathetic to illegal immigrants.

Mark Sawyer, an assistant professor of political science at UCLA, said the growing Hispanic population nationwide could tip the political balance in some states.

Potentially alienating Hispanic voters, he said, "is of concern to the Republican Party."

Hispanic voters, he said, tend to "believe in a kind of social safety net."

"They're concerned about education and health care and believe the government should play a role in it," Sawyer said. "That potentially means that many red states may turn blue, particularly those that still have a large African-American population."
The Republicans are more conservative and they do not believe in a social safety net. This is what I think will happen. The House of Representatives will not give in on the immigration debate and in order to pass an immigration bill, the Senate will have to pull any type of amnesty off of the table. There will also be a civilian backlash against illegal aliens along the border and this will be started by the conservative movement. Minorities will not like what's happening and the Republicans will be seen as harsh toward immigrants and those of hispanic descent. Then, like Mark Sawyer said in the article, red states will suddenly turn blue and the Republicans will lose control. Once the Democrats take control, they will pass a new immigration bill that gives all of the illegal aliens amnesty and the Democrats will have their new voting bloc for decades.