Sunday, April 30, 2006

Bush Says He Is Above The Law

This is from the Boston Globe:

WASHINGTON -- President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.

Among the laws Bush said he can ignore are military rules and regulations, affirmative-action provisions, requirements that Congress be told about immigration services problems, ''whistle-blower" protections for nuclear regulatory officials, and safeguards against political interference in federally funded research.

The media may be reluctant to call Bush a dictator but that's exactly what he's acting like and if Congress does not get on the ball and impeach this deluded bastard, we the people might have to take Jefferson's advice and change our government.

Anti-War March In New York

Click here to see a pic of a lot of people protesting the Bush wars. I would like to suggest that the next march be held in Washington D.C. and the people should not leave until they get the resignations of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

Friday, April 28, 2006

More On Iran

Justin Raimondo of Antiwar.Com talks about the possible Iran war and the Iran Freedom Support Act. Click here to read his article.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Most Of Our Representatives Are Fools

It looks like the House has voted for democracy in Iran. This seems strange to me because I thought Iran just had an election where they elected the guy that's pissing the United States off. Maybe our elected officials don't recognize the Iranian system of democracy and want to liberate Iran and install a democracy similar to what the Iraqis now have. This is from the Bella Ciao Blog:

The most disappointing aspect however is the fact that so many of our ‘progressive’ leaders in congress voted for this lie. John Conyers voted yay. Maxine Waters, Murtha, Bernie Sanders, Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee all voted for it. On the hill today the Progressive Caucus is hosting a hearing on Iraq...

These people voted Yay because they did not want to piss off the Israeli lobby. You would think that after being bamboozled by Bush on Iraq, the assclowns in Congress would be skeptical about another war but it seems like they are for the liberation of Iran. Buckle your seatbelts because I believe that the Iran war will be much, much harder than the Iraq war.

Here are a few more links.

Speaker Hastert Applauds House Passage of Iran Freedom Support Act

House OKs Legislation to Tighten Sanctions Against Iran

Rice Says U.N. Must Act on Iran Nuke Plan

U.S. crude oil slips ahead of UN report on Iran


We're almost at the deadline set by the nations that want Iran to stop their nuclear energy program. It will be interesting to see what America and Israel will do once they see that Iran will not stop their nuclear program. I think that Israel will attack 1st but I could be wrong. Here's a link for you.

Iran Vows To Keep Nuclear Program

Saturday, April 22, 2006

If You Are Democrat Or Republican, You Are A Fool Or Wimp

I've been saying the same exact thing for months. This is from Rense.Com:
To quote an angry little bigot, who happened to be right when he said it: There ain't a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats. If there's a difference between Lieberman and Delay I'd like to know.

The Average Congressional member of either party represents (A) Lobbyists for pricey war toy manufacturers and (B) lobbyists for Israel. If that weren't true, America wouldn't be flat broke and living on borrowed time and money. Nor would we be conducting fucked-up wars in the Middle East for ill-defined reasons, most of them having to do with A & B.

The evening before the 2004 election, Broward County (Florida) Democrats sponsored a rally and free Jimmy Buffet concert. Volunteers skipped along the queue giving away free Kerry- Edwards T-shirts. I remarked to those in line that the vote was already in and counted and the victor already decided. I was hushed and hissed but turned out I was right. BushCo carried the state (again) by rigging the black boxes and striking blacks from the election rolls.

You would have thought the outraged Democratic voters would have stormed the warehouse where the black boxes were stored and smashed them, but you would have been wrong. Wimps don't act like Paul Revere and the Raiders, although they were once big fans of their music.

I don't think I'm going to vote in November. I don't like any of the parties. Democrats and Republicans are sold out to Israel and corporations. The Greens are socialists in training and the Libertarian party wants complete amnesty for illegals and no borders. If someone out there is going to create a new political party, please make sure that:

  • Your party is against illegal immigration and for strong border security
  • Your party is for lowering all taxes
  • Your party will focus on keeping jobs in America and not ship them to India, China, and Latin America
  • Your party is for concealed carry in every state
  • Your party loves the constitution and vows to fight for every right in that document

Friday, April 21, 2006

So Brazil Can Have Nuclear Energy

Brazil is doing the same thing that Iran is doing but you don't hear anything about Brazil in our media. You also don't hear anything about Brazil from our government officials. American foreign policy is so fucked up. Click on the link below to see the story about Brazil's nuclear ambitions.

Brazil Follows Iran's Nuclear Path But Without All The Fuss

Pro-Torture, Pro-Tyranny Media Rebukes Brave Protestor

When I heard that the woman who protested the appearance of dictator Hu with dictator, I mean president Bush was going to get six months in jail for shouting at a foreign leader, I couldn't believe it. America is supposedly the land of the free but in reality we are not free. If Bush would've had his way, this woman would've been assigned a spot to protest about a block away from where Bush and Hu were meeting.

The Bush apology to Hu and the arrest of the protestor is a slap in the face to every freedom loving person in America and around the world. China is one of the most oppressive nations on the planet but you don't hear Bush mentioning them as a member of the axis of evil. You don't hear Bush telling China to get rid of their nukes or else. The reason why you will never hear Bush make threats to China is because China has America by the balls. Who do you think is propping up this economy of ours? Look at everything you own. I'm sure you'll find a made in China tag. This is from Prison Planet.Com:

The courageous and awe-inspiring actions of the Falun Gong member who warned China's imperial festering slug dictator Hu Jintao that his "day's were numbered" were met with a reaction that foretells the collapse of America into the exact same style of tyrannical despotism mastered by the absolute rulers of China.

Wang Wenyi, a reporter for The Epoch Times, admonished President Bush to stop Hu from persecuting the Falun Gong and after a couple of minutes was grabbed by secret service agents who are now trying to charge her with intimidating a foreign official.

A foreign official who rules over a Communist jackboot society in which any dissent is crushed by the iron fist of the state.

After listening to talk radio in the hours after the incident, we were sickened to hear radio hosts and callers attacking the demonstrator for daring to interrupt President Bush, claiming that it sent the wrong message to China in that the US was not able to manage geopolitical events smoothly.

They were actually insinuating that it was an American virtue to silence free speech and dissent and that the demonstrator made the country look weak to the visiting Chinese despots.

Chances are those people taking up for Bush were part of the 33% that still approve of him. I don't like the Democrats that much but I hope they win enough seats to take the House of Representatives. If they do win, hopefully they will impeach Bush and Cheney and put an end to Bush fucking up everything inside and outside of America.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Charlie Sheen Speaks His Mind

This is from Prison Planet.Com:
"I felt the only real validation that I needed was being a tax paying citizen that loves my country," Sheen expressed to a powerful round of applause from the studio audience. Sheen continued, "What happed to the time in this country when we were entitled, when we had a constitutional and a God-given right to be curious about things that didn't make sense."

When asked by Kimmel what had brought him to pose his questions about the official story, Sheen replied, "I've done a lot of research," then referred to the growing number of high-profile individuals who have already bravely stepped forward to ask questions about 9/11, stating "...its not just me, its the people that have come before me - the experts and the engineers, the physicists and the scientists and the scholars, that raised a lot of these things and I took a look at their research and said yeah, it doesn't add up, a lot of it doesn't add up, hence these questions."

Before Kimmel moved the discussion to another topic, Sheen was careful to remind the audience, "There are two areas: Building 7 and the five frames from the Pentagon. Don't listen to me, do your own research."

I hope that more Americans start questioning the official story because the official story is bullshit. If there were bombs in the twin towers, do you think terrorists put them there?
The whole Sept 11th attack was in reality an attack on the American psyche. It was a covert operation carried out by people inside our own governmental system who want to destroy the United States Constitution and build a police state in the USA. Who benefited from these attacks? It wasn't the so called terrorists. The Bush Family, defense contractors, major oil producers, major oil companies, the Republican Party, short sellers and the elite benefited from the Sept 11th attacks. There's a lot to be discovered if we put forward a real investigation into what happened on Sept 11th but the only way that will happen is if the people demand it.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Iran Says They Can Defeat American Military

Well, it looks like things are being escalated now. I think that Israel or America will bomb Iran before the November election. Republicans are experts at using fear to get elected.

Iran Issues Warning To America

Poll:Most Americans Say Tax System Unjust

But the bigger question is how far are Americans willing to go to change the system?

Poll:Most Americans Say Tax System Unjust

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Anderson Cooper Propaganda

This is from a transcript of the April 10, 2006 Anderson 360 show:


COOPER: So, let's see how you did on a sample citizenship test question, the kind of question asked before legal immigrants can become citizens.

The first question tonight, whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? The answer is A, everyone, citizens and noncitizens living in the U.S. -- more test questions coming up.

I had to do a post regarding this propaganda by Anderson Cooper. I was watching the show when he aired the question and I know that the Constitution of the United States goes over the rights of citizens. But according to Anderson Cooper, the constitution covers illegal aliens as well.

Here is the preamble to the constitution:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Anderson Cooper should try reading this document sometime because it starts off by saying "We the people of the United States" not we the people of the world. The only reason I was watching CNN was to see Lou Dobbs debate Bill Richardson on illegal immigration. CNN did have Army Psyops on their staff in the late 1990s so maybe they learned a thing or two from the professionals. The Lou Dobbs show is the only show worth watching on this pathetic news channel.

Here is a link to the latest Michelle Malkin post. I usually disagree with this woman but there's one thing we agree on and that is how illegal immigration should be handled.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Shameless Democrats

This is absolutely pathetic. I used to think that illegals could not vote but I guess they can if the Democratic party is trying to get their vote. The Republicans are probably trying to get their vote too but the Democrats do not care how they look, they only care about taking back Congress. The photo was taken at the Dallas immigration rally yesterday.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

What Bush Fails To See At The Border

The Washington Post has a decent Op-Ed by Ronald Maxwell on their site. Here's a sample of the article:
What is happening on the southern border is unprecedented. Not only in our own history, but in the history of the world. No country at any time anywhere has sustained the influx of tens of millions of foreigners across its borders. A wave of anti-American leftism is sweeping Latin America. A socialist radical may soon be elected as the president of Mexico, a country which officially encourages its emigrants to vote in Mexican elections, urging them to think of themselves as Mexican first and perhaps only. The eventual outcome is plain for anyone with eyes to see. This is invasion masquerading as immigration.
It may already be too late to avoid a future annexation of the Southwest by Mexico or the evolution of a Mexican-dominated satellite state. This is not to say Mexican people are better or worse than any of God's children. It is to say that millions of ethnically and culturally homogeneous people will seek self-determination in a land they will increasingly feel justified in claiming as their own. Especially when the natural weight of demographic change is accompanied by the soundtrack of radical demagoguery which seeks to legitimize and moralize this phenomenon as a "reconquista." Many pundits claim you will be remembered in history as the president who won (or lost) the war in Iraq. I see it differently. I believe you will come to be seen, in the years and decades to come, as the President who saved (or lost) the Southwest of the United States.
Mr. President, this is a time for candor. Your immigration policy is viewed as captive to the cheap labor -- big business lobby and inimical to the survival of our country. It is splitting the party and draining away support for your presidency. We who understand the vital stakes will not be placated by rhetoric or slogans. The failure to recognize this growing and deep disaffection among Republicans, conservatives, independents and, indeed, many Reagan Democrats, is, in the short run, going to lead to a monumental defeat for your party at the polls in November.
Bush never listens to the people so I doubt if he'll start anytime soon. He deserves to be impeached and all the Republicans & Democrats who have backed him over the last few years should be removed from office.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Libby Claims Bush Authorized
Plamegate Leak

Things should really start to heat up in America before the end of the year. We have the Iran nuclear situation, illegal immigration, and Plamegate.
Here's a link the document on The Smoking Gun.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

V For Vendetta

This is a great movie and if you have not seen it yet, I recommend that you take some time off from your busy schedule and check this movie out. V For Vendetta has great acting and a lot of action. There's also a message in this movie and I hope that a lot of people get that message and act on it. These are my favorite anti-establishment movies.

  • Matrix
  • Fight Club
  • V For Vendetta
  • Clockwork Orange

Justin Raimondo of Antiwar.Com has a great article about V for Vendetta. Click here to read his article. Here are some more articles about V For Vendetta.

V For Verbal Violence

Vendetta: Heroism, Terrorism, Or Patriotism?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ukraine May Have Sold Iran 250 Nukes

This is very interesting stuff. There are denials from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry but they could be lying. If Israel decides to bomb Iran, we will know if Iran has nukes or not because they will probably use them.
Links are below.

Report: Ukraine Missing Warheads May Have Gone To Iran

Russian Military Stalls On Reports Ukraine Sold Warheads To Iran

Ukraine Did Not Sell Warheads To Iran - Defense Ministry

But I Joined The Navy To Avoid Ground Combat

That's what one of my friends told me in 1995 when he joined the United States Navy. He received an honorable discharge July 1999 so his desire not to see ground combat was fulfilled. I bet there are plenty of sailors out there who joined for the same reasons. They want to serve their nation and learn a new trade but they do not want to take part in ground combat. In Bush's America, things are changing fast. Check out this article from Stars & Stripes:
With more than 10,000 Navy “individual augmentees” deployed around the world, of which 7,000 are in the U.S. Central Command’s combat zones, the Navy is training its sailors like soldiers more than ever before.

“You take a sailor … who has lived on a 564-foot ship, and all of a sudden, you’re integrating him into a ground combat environment. It’s night and day for us,” said Master Chief Petty Officer Anthony Evangelista, fleet master chief for U.S. Naval Forces Europe/6th Fleet.

What Anthony would really like to say is that this will probably fail and result in more death. There's more:
“We’ve done a phenomenal job with taking a unit, prepping it, getting the ship ready, deploying it, and bringing it back. What we haven’t done so well, and are fixing, is the individual augmentee. We don’t train to do that as an organization.”

Not until recently, that is.

With the Pentagon’s call on the Navy to provide forces to ease the strain on Army and Marine Corps ground units, naval individual augmentees are flocking to South Carolina to learn the basics of ground combat.

During the 12-day training program, sailors are taught lessons that range from the proper way to carry weapons to basic warfare marksmanship, convoy operations, urban operations, battlefield first aid and land navigation, said Lt. Col. Douglas Snyder, battalion commander of Task Force Marshall and head of the Individual Augmentee Training Course at the Army’s McCrady Training Center, Fort Jackson, S.C.

Wow! 12 whole days for a sailor to transform into a soldier. They usually give the Army and Marines months of training before they ship them to Iraq. The sailors should receive the same type of training or they should cancel the program. It's time to bring everyone home and let the Iraqis take care of their own nation.