Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'll Never Understand Democrats

Over the past few years, the Republicans have been involved in scandal after scandal and the Democrats could not make any gains. There's a new sex scandal involving a Republican official and instead of burying the Republicans with this, you have some Democrats actually trying to argue whether he's a pedophile or sexual predator. This is from a diary on DailyKos:

I know I'm going to catch a tremendous amount of grief over this, but I believe I'm speaking the truth, so I gotta do it, ya know? it is. Based on all the knowledge we have, nothing indicates Foley is a pedophile. Sexual predator? Absolutely. Guilty of inappropriate sexual contact with minors? Quite probably, depending on the legal age of consent statutes of the jurisdictions involved. A fucking hypocritical piece of shit scumbag? Looks like it!

But no, he's not a pedophile. A pedophile is a someone who is "sexually attracted to pre-pubescent or peripubescent" people. Sixteen and seventeen year-olds (which are the only ages we have seen involved so far) are NOT in these categories. This is the accepted mental health definition, and I urge people to stick with it.

This type of shit just boggles my mind. The Republicans would never do this. If a Democrat was involved in a scandal involving teen boys, the Republicans would write article after article or diary after diary burying the Democrat. They would not become hung up on whether he's a textbook pedophile or sexual offender.

I scrolled down and found a poster who pretty much agrees with me on this:

and people like this diarist still "just don't get it". Phrases win and lose elections. Democrats aren't for "cutting and running" either, yet the phrase sells. SO maybe Foley is or isn't technically at this moment a certifies pedophile. He may be, he is a pervert, a predator which is close enough. Pedophile sells, pedophile will win you elections, it more accurately defines the man in peoples minds than other phrases.

Man sometimes I really don't understand you people, you really don't understand this sport of politics at all do you?

mr republican, is that a flag in your pocket or are you just glad to see my son?

by pissedpatriot on Sun Oct 01, 2006 at 05:08:53 AM PDT

What's funny is that this diary was recommended to the top of the list. These people really do not get it. Politics is about labeling your opponents before they get a chance to identify themselves. It seems like the diary writer wants to be honest and not run the pedophile's name through the mud more than they have to. This is why Democrats will continue to lose elections.

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