Thursday, May 11, 2006

Interesting Article From CNN
On Latino Population Growth

This is from CNN.Com:
President Bush and Congress have been debating changes to the nation's immigration laws in recent months, spawning a series of high-profile demonstrations across the country by protesters sympathetic to illegal immigrants.

Mark Sawyer, an assistant professor of political science at UCLA, said the growing Hispanic population nationwide could tip the political balance in some states.

Potentially alienating Hispanic voters, he said, "is of concern to the Republican Party."

Hispanic voters, he said, tend to "believe in a kind of social safety net."

"They're concerned about education and health care and believe the government should play a role in it," Sawyer said. "That potentially means that many red states may turn blue, particularly those that still have a large African-American population."
The Republicans are more conservative and they do not believe in a social safety net. This is what I think will happen. The House of Representatives will not give in on the immigration debate and in order to pass an immigration bill, the Senate will have to pull any type of amnesty off of the table. There will also be a civilian backlash against illegal aliens along the border and this will be started by the conservative movement. Minorities will not like what's happening and the Republicans will be seen as harsh toward immigrants and those of hispanic descent. Then, like Mark Sawyer said in the article, red states will suddenly turn blue and the Republicans will lose control. Once the Democrats take control, they will pass a new immigration bill that gives all of the illegal aliens amnesty and the Democrats will have their new voting bloc for decades.

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