Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Have A Very Scary Halloween

Chaos Magick Link

Free Astral Projection Book

Vampire Myths And Reality

Dark Side Of The Net

Necronomicon FAQ

St. Louis Not Only Beat Detroit In The World Series

They also beat them in violent crimes:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - St. Louis may still be celebrating its
World Series baseball victory over Detroit, but on Monday Missouri's "Gateway City" learned it has topped Michigan's Motor City in another category -- violent crime.

St. Louis reclaimed the title of America's most dangerous city, which it last held in 2002, based on crime statistics reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and compiled by publisher Morgan Quitno Press.

Detroit was the second most dangerous city, while Flint, Michigan, and Compton, California, were third and fourth, respectively. Camden, New Jersey, most dangerous in last year's rankings, fell to fifth.

The survey is based on 2005 crime rates per 100,000 population for six basic categories -- murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft. It included 371 cities with populations over 75,000 that report the data to the FBI.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

America:Freedom To Fascism

Aaron Russo has created a great film about where America is headed and I recommend that you watch it and make a decision that will change your life.

America:Freedom To Fascism

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cub Fans Are Delusional

The Cubs have hired a new manager but that doesn't really change anything.

The team still sucks!

They don't have a leadoff man, #2 hitter, and their pitching staff is horrible. Their farm system is lacking in young talent and I seriously doubt if Lou Piniella can turn things around.

ESPN is reporting that Lou Piniella wants the Cubs to trade for Alex Rodriguez but the Cubs don't have anything to trade. I've been listening to sports radio and Cub fans are calling up and proclaiming that the Cubs will win the World Series next year. These poor bastards are almost as deluded as Bush backers. The NL central is a weak division so anything can happen but I seriously doubt if the Cubs will make it to the World Series by 2008.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Here's Something You Didn't Know

From The Baltimore Chronicle:
Most Americans don’t know that the U.S. gives $15,139,178 per day to the Israeli government and military and $232,290 per day to Palestinian NGOs; and that the Israeli unemployment rate is 8.9%, while the Palestinian unemployment is estimated at 25-31%.

The sheeple of America are definitely asleep when it comes to the issues that matter. We should not be giving away money to other nations when America is deep in debt.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I Still Don't Trust Democrats

The only reason I hope Democrats win in a few weeks is because I would like to see Bush impeached. There's a very small part of me that hopes the Democrats will get their act together but I seriously doubt that will happen. Remember these are the same people that voted for Bush's tax cuts, the Iraq war, and the Patriot Act.

If the Democrats win, they'll probably try to play nice and reach across the political aisle to unify the nation. The truth is that they're not trying to unify the nation, they're trying to con the people into thinking they are above petty politics when the fact is that the Democrats want to consolidate power as much as the Republicans.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Foley Scandal

This is what I think about the Foley scandal.

  1. Foley should be put in prison with perverts like himself.
  2. The page program should not be abolished. Don't punish the kids, punish the perverts.
  3. Republicans are corrupt motherfuckers. A prime example of this was Bill O'Reilly putting a D(Democrat) by Foley's name instead of R(Republican).
  4. Hastert should resign if he knew about this before the scandal broke.
  5. Democrats should be trying their best to link Foley to all Republicans because this might be a golden opportunity for them to take the House and/or Senate.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'll Never Understand Democrats

Over the past few years, the Republicans have been involved in scandal after scandal and the Democrats could not make any gains. There's a new sex scandal involving a Republican official and instead of burying the Republicans with this, you have some Democrats actually trying to argue whether he's a pedophile or sexual predator. This is from a diary on DailyKos:

I know I'm going to catch a tremendous amount of grief over this, but I believe I'm speaking the truth, so I gotta do it, ya know?

Ok...here it is. Based on all the knowledge we have, nothing indicates Foley is a pedophile. Sexual predator? Absolutely. Guilty of inappropriate sexual contact with minors? Quite probably, depending on the legal age of consent statutes of the jurisdictions involved. A fucking hypocritical piece of shit scumbag? Looks like it!

But no, he's not a pedophile. A pedophile is a someone who is "sexually attracted to pre-pubescent or peripubescent" people. Sixteen and seventeen year-olds (which are the only ages we have seen involved so far) are NOT in these categories. This is the accepted mental health definition, and I urge people to stick with it.

This type of shit just boggles my mind. The Republicans would never do this. If a Democrat was involved in a scandal involving teen boys, the Republicans would write article after article or diary after diary burying the Democrat. They would not become hung up on whether he's a textbook pedophile or sexual offender.

I scrolled down and found a poster who pretty much agrees with me on this:

and people like this diarist still "just don't get it". Phrases win and lose elections. Democrats aren't for "cutting and running" either, yet the phrase sells. SO maybe Foley is or isn't technically at this moment a certifies pedophile. He may be, he is a pervert, a predator which is close enough. Pedophile sells, pedophile will win you elections, it more accurately defines the man in peoples minds than other phrases.

Man sometimes I really don't understand you people, you really don't understand this sport of politics at all do you?

mr republican, is that a flag in your pocket or are you just glad to see my son?

by pissedpatriot on Sun Oct 01, 2006 at 05:08:53 AM PDT

What's funny is that this diary was recommended to the top of the list. These people really do not get it. Politics is about labeling your opponents before they get a chance to identify themselves. It seems like the diary writer wants to be honest and not run the pedophile's name through the mud more than they have to. This is why Democrats will continue to lose elections.