Friday, March 31, 2006

Ready To Rumble: Nukes & Oil

It looks like Iran is prepping for the big showdown with Israel and/or America.

Iran Plans War Games

No one has provided any concrete proof that Iran has a nuclear weapons program but that hasn't stopped America from getting the United Nations involved and planning for a possible attack.

Will USA use military option?

Since so many in the Bush administration and both political parties are connected to the oil industry, you have to wonder if they are doing all of this so they can make a profit.

Price Of Oil Trades Near $67

Oil Prices Jump Again On Iran Fears

These headlines really make me laugh. Oil prices are not jumping because of Iran. This is nothing more than spin. They want to lay the blame on Iran for higher oil prices but in reality the blame should go to the nation or nations that attack Iran without any proof of a nuclear weapons program.

I see that the Russian Foreign Minister agrees with me(From Yahoo News):
Iran's defiance cast a pall on a meeting of top officials of the five permanent Security Council members plus Germany meant to demonstrate consensus on confronting Tehran over its nuclear program. After two hours of talks that were twice as long as planned, Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice said the six nations were "united."

But Russia and China suggested otherwise, expressing opposition to strong council action against Tehran after the meeting in comments that reflected the continuing fault-line dividing East and West on Iran.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov specifically challenged U.S. assertions that Iran was trying to make nuclear arms, saying no proof existed of such claims.

While symbolizing unity after weeks of tenuous negotiations led to Wednesday's watered-down Security Council statement, a European official who was briefed on the closed talks told The Associated Press that the meeting did not bridge differences that left Russia and China at odds with the United States, France and Britain.

Russia and China remained opposed to the next step called for by Washington, Paris and London — a strong resolution that is legally binding and, at least in theory, is enforceable by military means, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about the closed meeting.

The next few weeks should be very interesting.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Get Ready For The Israel/Iran War

If Israeli government officials are still going by the timetable Ariel Sharon set, Israel will start bombing Iran within the next 7 - 16 days. Let's go back in time and look at a Dec. 2005 Times Online article:

ISRAEL’S armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed.

The order came after Israeli intelligence warned the government that Iran was operating enrichment facilities, believed to be small and concealed in civilian locations.

Iran’s stand-off with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over nuclear inspections and aggressive rhetoric from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, who said last week that Israel should be moved to Europe, are causing mounting concern.

The crisis is set to come to a head in early March, when Mohamed El-Baradei, the head of the IAEA, will present his next report on Iran. El-Baradei, who received the Nobel peace prize yesterday, warned that the world was “losing patience” with Iran.

A senior White House source said the threat of a nuclear Iran was moving to the top of the international agenda and the issue now was: “What next?” That question would have to be answered in the next few months, he said.

I used 7-16 days because Israel was probably thrown off schedule when Sharon went into a coma. The Israeli election is next week so we'll probably hear something about bombing Iran and possible action after the election.

Political Labels Not Always Right

Here's another old article.

Political Labels Not Always Right

Here's an excerpt from the article:

The majority of Americans seem to feel they are somewhere in between, voting for liberals sometimes and conservatives sometimes, thus giving America a mixed government of contrary rulers working at cross purposes.

Whether America has a liberal democracy or a conservative republic depends on whether the people feel with their hearts or think with heads when they vote. If we continue voting for a balance of the two, we can look forward to more vicious public political cockfighting between the two parties, and that seems to be what American politics is presently all about.

We must, however, be very careful not to label every Democrat a liberal and every Republican a conservative. The truth is all Democrats are not liberals and all Republicans are not conservatives.

Republican President George Bush may truthfully be called a lot of things, and he may be winning the popularity contest with a majority of American voters, but he cannot truthfully and absolutely be called a conservative. My apologies to those who are still under the delusion that he is.
As you'll see when you read the article, the writer is talking about George Bush Sr. and not the younger, dumber Bush in the White House right now.

Myth Of The New Democrats

This is a very good article from a site called The American Prospect. It's an old article but I think that it's still relevant in 2006.

American Prospect:The Myth Of The New Democrats

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I Was At The Chicago Rally

I ran into the rally as I was about to pay to get on the train at Clark & Lake. I decided to follow the protestors. I was one of the protestors in the March 2003 protest that led us to Michigan Avenue and Chicago Avenue. I remember being disgusted by the actions of the Chicago Police when they started to beat protestors for no reason. I thought they had the protest earlier in the day and being the type of person I am, I cannot resist a protest rally. As I walked south on Clark, one thing caught my eye and that was the number of police officers working the protest march and their new militarized outfits.

There are never enough police around in certain Chicago neighborhoods yet they can have 100s of police in shiny new storm trooper outfits for a bunch of peaceful marchers. They were trying to intimidate the marchers and the intimidation factor probably played a role in the event ending peacefully. I applaud the people who participated in the march and rally but they were lacking a couple of things. The people marching lacked passion and they lacked the willingness to do anything to get their point across. The number of people marching was fairly large and if this large group of people had a determined leader, the scene might've resembled something out of 1968. I'm not saying that violence solves everything but sometimes you have to be willing get a little bit bloody to get your point across.

Republicans Calling Everyone Liberals

If Republicans really stopped and looked at the actions of their Republican officials in government, they would realize that Republicans are fiscal liberals and conservative on some social issues. It seems like most Republicans think a liberal is someone who opposes Bush.

Republicans have pushed social issues as the determining factor as to who is liberal and who is conservative when government officials should be labeled liberal or conservative according to fiscal policies. Bush has increased the size of government and spent more money that the last two Democratic Party Presidents of the United States. Under Bill Clinton, welfare was cut down and taxes were raised. If we labeled according to fiscal policy, Bill Clinton would be a conservative. But in this bizarro world we live in, we look at social issues and when it comes to social issues, Bill Clinton is a liberal.

Democrats in Congress are definitely trying to be like the Republicans. The Democratic Party representatives in Congress have

  1. Voted for Bush's tax cuts
  2. Voted for the Iraq War
  3. Voted to send Iran to the U.N. Security Council
  4. Voted for the Patriot Act and it's renewal
  5. Voted for war funding over and over again

They also want to give a stealth amnesty to illegal aliens in America. Both political parties do not care about the average American. The representatives in Congress are out of touch and should be voted out of office. We need 3rd party candidates on the ballot but in most states, the two major parties have a monopoly on the system and they do everything they can to keep third party candidates out. Americans need to wake the hell up and realize that it's not about liberal or conservative but about which candidate will look out for the average American. Until Americans wake up, you can look forward to this cycle:

  • Republicans fuck up
  • Republicans are voted out and Democrats are voted in
  • Democrats fuck up
  • Republicans raise hell
  • Democrats are voted out and Republicans are voted in
  • Repeat Cycle

And during this whole cycle and its repeats, nothing is accomplished and America goes further down the tubes.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Spader Boston Legal Speech (Updated)

This is a very good video clip from the show "Boston Legal". Spader's character delivers a speech to the jury that every American should be forced to hear everyday until they get the message.

Boston Legal Video Clip

I found this clip at a very good site called What Really Happened.

When you have Bushites writing ABC trying to get this clip censored from any future re-runs of the episode, you know that we are no longer a free society where clips like this are tolerated. We are now evolving into a totalitarian police state where loyalty to the leader is valued above everything else.

E-mail ABC and let them know what you think.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hacking The Vote

I'm not a big John Kerry fan but I think he might've been screwed. Ultimately, he screwed himself by conceding so soon. Republicans will say that we need to let this go but I think we need more investigations.

Looking at the current state of the Democratic Party, most should realize that there's not that much difference between the two parties. I will continue to vote for 3rd party candidates for Congress and local offices and if the Democratic Party does not nominate the right candidate in 2008, I will vote independent, libertarian, or green for president. But the 1st thing we have to do is make sure the e-voting machines are secure.

Did Bush Hack The Vote?

How American Elections Became A Criminal Enterprise

Guest Worker Program

Guest Worker Program- Observation On Population

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp

Stella Foster of the Chicago Sun-Times has this to say:
The "lowlight": The song "It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp" ("When he tryin' to get this money for the rent") winning best song from the movie "Hustle & Flow" starring Terrence Howard. I know it is the second rap song to win in the history of the Oscars. (Eminem won in '03 for "Lose Yourself") ... but I hate that song written by Memphis' Three 6 Mafia. It is insulting and definitely sends out the wrong message to kids.

What's so hard out here about pimping? Pimps are the laziest men on the planet. They seduce women who obviously have verrrrrry low self-esteem (and little money) into laying on their backs all day long turning tricks for their pimps' lazy behinds. And the pimps have the nerve to beat these women if they don't bring them all of their money.

And what is he doing all day? Cruising in a pimped-out ride, wearing tacky, flashy clothes and ostentatious jewelry, carrying an ornate goblet, grinning with gold and silver grills (teeth) and talking nonsense. Trash is trash, no matter what the color. I would print all the lyrics to the song ... but this is a family-oriented column.

The glorification of pimps is sad -- and it needs to stop!

I agree with Stella 100%. This song should not have been nominated but the Academy is trying to appeal to a younger generation so they include trash like "It's hard out here for a pimp". Around 30 years ago, blacks were trying to get out of playing the roles of pimps and whores but now this crap is celebrated. The dumbing down of America continues.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nuke Technology For Mangoes

Does this seem fair to you?
While the majority of Americans remain docile and sheep-like, George Bush is trading nuke technology for Indian mangoes.

United States, India Agree On Mangoes

While I'm on the subject, let's take a look at a section of another article:
India has been cut off from technology to expand nuclear power generation, which it needs to feed its booming economy, because of its refusal to sign the non-proliferation treaty and its atomic weapons tests in 1974 and again in 1998.

India refuses to sign the NPT, builds nukes and they get American aid and help with nuclear technology. Iran signs the NPT and America wants to isolate them. Israel also refuses to sign the NPT and secretly builds nukes but they get billions in American aid and military hardware. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. What do we get from India? We get mangoes.

Wake up America!!!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

404-4 Congressmen Condemn Iran

A couple of weeks ago, your Congress voted 404-4 to condemn Iran for violating the NPT. There's no evidence that Iran has violated the NPT. This shows us once again that Democrats and Republicans are one and the same. It'll be interesting to see how they react when Bush pushes for a vote on a war with Iran. Bush and the gang are using the same tactics they used to get their war with Iraq and these cretinous assclowns we call Congressmen are falling for Bush administration lies once again.

I don't think Americans care about anything anymore. They would allow a dictatorship in America as long as they still had access to their cell phones, 500 channels of mindless programming, and a way to fulfill their hedonistic needs. America as the founders envisioned it is dead and you can thank the Democrats, Republicans, and the mindless sheep who continue to vote for these idiots.