An Israeli airstrike killed at least 56 people, including at least 34 children, in a southern Lebanese village Sunday, the Lebanese Red Cross said. It was the deadliest attack in 19 days of fighting. Lebanese security officials put the toll at 57 dead. Security officials said the toll rose dramatically after 18 people from two families were found in a single room of the building, where dozens of people had been taking refuge from the fighting.I'm beginning to think that the real terrorists in this whole situation is the nation of Israel. It's obvious that they do not care about the civilians in Lebanon. If another nation was doing what Israel is doing, the American government and media would be outraged but because the Israelis are doing it, they get a free pass. Bush and the rapture corner of America are fully behind Israel and if this should escalate in the future, American soldiers will be in Lebanon and/or Syria fighting.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice postponed a visit to Lebanon in a setback for diplomatic efforts to end hostilities.
Infuriated Lebanese officials said they had asked Rice to postpone the visit after Israel's missile strike on Qana. But Rice said she called Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora to say she would postpone the trip, and that she had work to do in Jerusalem to end the fighting.
The missiles destroyed several homes in the village of Qana as people were sleeping.
Israeli said it targeted Qana because it was a base for hundreds of rockets launched at Israeli, including 40 that injured five Israelis on Sunday. Israel said it had warned civilians several days before to leave the village.
"One must understand the Hezbollah is using their own civilian population as human shields," said Israeli Foreign Ministry official Gideon Meir. "The Israeli defense forces dropped leaflets and warned the civilian population to leave the place because the Hezbollah turned it into a war zone."
Speaking My Mind About Politics, Society, And
Anything Else That Interests Me.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
34 Youths Among 56 Dead in Israeli Attack
Well, it looks like Israel is on the attack again:
Do You Like Fantasy Baseball?
I love to play fantasy sports. My two favorite fantasy sports are baseball and football. If you like fantasy baseball, I have the perfect fantasy simulation game for you. The game is called Baseball Mogul and it's one of the best simulation games around. In the game, you can own your favorite baseball team and see if you have the mangerial and decision making skills to take your team to the World Series. The 2005/2006 version of the game is free. You can download the game by clicking the "download now for free" link on the page.
Baseball Mogul 2006 Page Link
Baseball Mogul 2006 Page Link
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Israel and Democrats
It is true that every nation has to defend themselves but when you have a military like Israel has -- with American jets, choppers, and bombs --- you can use pinpoint accuracy, intel agencies, and your military special forces to take out terrorists. You don't have to destroy a nation and its cities in order to destroy the terrorists you are seeking. Israel is deliberately targeting civilian areas and they are doing this with the full backing of the United States government.
Israel has the sympathy of the religious wackos in America and that's one of the reasons why American politicians back Israel. Republicans and Democrats in Congress refuse to go against Israel because they do not want to be called anti-semites and they want to be on the good side of the Israeli lobby. Now I know some people will say that Democrats are supposedly progressive but I disagree with that idea because of how Democratic politicians vote in Congress. Let's look at all the things the Democratic party supports:
Israel has the sympathy of the religious wackos in America and that's one of the reasons why American politicians back Israel. Republicans and Democrats in Congress refuse to go against Israel because they do not want to be called anti-semites and they want to be on the good side of the Israeli lobby. Now I know some people will say that Democrats are supposedly progressive but I disagree with that idea because of how Democratic politicians vote in Congress. Let's look at all the things the Democratic party supports:
- Democrats support Israel unconditionally
- Democrats are against gay marriage
- Democrats voted for the Iraq war
- Democrats support an attack on Iran
- Democrats voted for Bush's tax cuts
- Democrats support Bush's illegal alien supporting guest worker program
Monday, July 24, 2006
Buckley:Bush Not A True Conservative
It looks like Bush's own people are turning against him. This is from CBS News:
This is very interesting stuff but why didn't Buckley come out against Bush in 2004? Conservatives are trying to distance themselves from Bush because he is self-destructing but we should not let them do that. Bush is a conservative. Congress is dominated and ruled by conservative Republicans. Conservatives have ruled our government for over 6 years and all they do is spend, spend, spend and back legislation that the majority of Americans disagree with. Their conservative strategies on how to run our government have failed and it is time we kicked them out and started over.
"I think Mr. Bush faces a singular problem best defined, I think, as the absence of effective conservative ideology — with the result that he ended up being very extravagant in domestic spending, extremely tolerant of excesses by Congress," Buckley says. "And in respect of foreign policy, incapable of bringing together such forces as apparently were necessary to conclude the Iraq challenge."
Asked what President Bush's foreign policy legacy will be to his successor, Buckley says "There will be no legacy for Mr. Bush. I don't believe his successor would re-enunciate the words he used in his second inaugural address because they were too ambitious. So therefore I think his legacy is indecipherable"
This is very interesting stuff but why didn't Buckley come out against Bush in 2004? Conservatives are trying to distance themselves from Bush because he is self-destructing but we should not let them do that. Bush is a conservative. Congress is dominated and ruled by conservative Republicans. Conservatives have ruled our government for over 6 years and all they do is spend, spend, spend and back legislation that the majority of Americans disagree with. Their conservative strategies on how to run our government have failed and it is time we kicked them out and started over.
Running On A Bad Foot
My foot has been bothering me ever since I injured it late last year. I took about 2 months off from running to let it heal and I started training again in Feb. 2006. It has been a long road back to my previous form but I am finally getting back in great shape. I knew I was feeling good when I ran 4.5 miles in 30 minutes a few days ago and I didn't feel any pain. Hopefully, I'll be able to enter my preseason style training by the end of August and depending on how my foot holds up, I might be able to enter a 5k by October or November.
Friday, July 21, 2006
More On the War In Lebanon
It doesn't look like Israel is going to stop anytime soon so prepare for a conflict that might last a long time. If Syria and Iran get involved, America will get involved and we could be looking at a scenario that leads to another world war.
Israel Hints at Full-Scale Lebanon Attack
Syrian Citizens Protest
Israel Hints at Full-Scale Lebanon Attack
Syrian Citizens Protest
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Israel And David Ben Gurion
I am continually disgusted by what Israel is doing to Lebanon. I think terrorists should be captured or killed but civilian casualties should be avoided. Israel is oppressing and killing the Palestinians and the people of Lebanon and the leaders of America are fully behind them. We need to stop blindly backing Israel and seek an immediate ceasefire.
The Israelis are destroying Lebanon because of Hezbollah but Lebanon has no control over what Hezbollah does. I've been doing a little bit of research so I can understand the modern state of Israel. One of the early leaders of Israel was a man named David Ben Gurion and his zionist philosophy is the base of the Israeli approach to middle eastern affair. Here are some quotes from David Ben Gurion:
This is from David Ben Gurion: A Brief Biography:
Reading about this man is definitely helping me understand modern Israel.
The Israelis are destroying Lebanon because of Hezbollah but Lebanon has no control over what Hezbollah does. I've been doing a little bit of research so I can understand the modern state of Israel. One of the early leaders of Israel was a man named David Ben Gurion and his zionist philosophy is the base of the Israeli approach to middle eastern affair. Here are some quotes from David Ben Gurion:
- Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been antisemitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generation's time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it's simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army. Our whole policy is there. Otherwise the Arabs will wipe us out.
- We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.
- The boundaries of Zionist aspirations are the concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit them.
- The boundaries of Zionist aspiration include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today’s Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan [West Bank] and the Sinai.
This is from David Ben Gurion: A Brief Biography:
When Ben-Gurion heard of the Passfield White Paper in 1931 (which proposed halting the implementation of the Balfour Declaration), he was furious with "these cowardly traitors" who were responsible for the proposed new policy. He stated:
"England is a great power, the greatest empire. But to shatter even the largest stones on earth, it takes only a small quantity of explosive powder. Such powder packs tremendous force. If the creative force within us is capable of stopping this EVIL EMPIRE, then the explosive force will ignite, and we will topple this blood-stained imperium. . . . We will be those who take this war upon ourselves and beware thee, British Empire!" (Shabtai Teveth, p. 111) Ben-Gurion called on his colleagues to "prepare for a long and difficult road, if we are left with no alternatives, a road of alliance with the Arabs against these despicable powers." (Shabtai Teveth, p. 112)
Although the British Government nullified the Passfield White Paper soon after, and the alliance between Great Britain and the Zionists continued to flourish until 1945, Ben-Gurion (who commanded the Haganah), Yitzhak Shamir (who commanded the Stern Gang), and Menachem Begin (who commanded the Irgun Gang) all joined forces to wage a war of terror against the British forces in Palestine and the Palestinian people between 1945-1947. Similarly, we predict that when Israel's alliance with the United States outlives its usefulness (especially when the American people recognize that supporting Israel, right or wrong, would not be in their national interests), then the American people will come face to face with a tyrant whom they have armed, financed, and trained. Now Israel has several hundred A-Bombs, and bulling it may not be an option! Time will tell if this "holy alliance" will last and won't collide with America's strategic national interests in the Middle East! In such a case, we wonder how America might react?
Ben-Gurion had strange ideas to justify why Jews have the right to settle in Palestine. He explained that the right of the Jews to Palestine rested on their capacity for developing its resources. He declared in 1930:
"We do not recognize any form of absolute ownership over any country. Any group of diligent persons, every industrious people, is entitled to enjoy the fruits of labor, and do with its talents as it pleases. it has no right to prevent others from doing the same, or to close the doors leading to nature's gifts in the faces of others. The five million inhabitants of Australia have no right to close the gates of their continent--which they alone cannot fully exploit-- and so exclude the masses of desperate people seeking a new place to work. This is the principle behind the right of free migration, championed by international socialism." (Shabtai Teveth, p. 37)
Reading about this man is definitely helping me understand modern Israel.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Nightmare Called SP2
SP2 is the service pack issued by Microsoft. It updates everything and gives the Microsoft user a new security function. Back in 2004, I read about the problems some people were having with SP2. Some people were complaining that certain programs no longer worked and that the new service pack fucked up their system. After reading all of these horror stories, I decided to pass on the new service pack from Microsoft and take care of network security and other various functions myself.
Earlier today I decided to download SP2 because I wanted to see what type of updates Microsoft put into this service pack. I put the SP2 on both of my computers and the problems started after everything was updated. On my main computer, the SP2 completely knocked off my internet connection and it decided to block Zonealarm, my antivirus program, and my .NET software. Once I saw the problems that this update was giving my main computer, I did a system restore and restored my computer to an earlier date. Everything was back to normal with the main computer. On my laptop, the SP2 blocked all of the same things and it would not let me establish a wireless connection. I immediately uninstalled the SP2 from my laptop and everything was back to normal.
Let me give you some advice. Learn the basics about computers, networking, and security. This will help you in the long run because if you rely on the SP2 and Microsoft updates, you will mess up your system. Go to the library, check out a basic book on networking & security and you'll be o.k.
Do not rely on Microsoft because they will fuck you in the end!!!
Earlier today I decided to download SP2 because I wanted to see what type of updates Microsoft put into this service pack. I put the SP2 on both of my computers and the problems started after everything was updated. On my main computer, the SP2 completely knocked off my internet connection and it decided to block Zonealarm, my antivirus program, and my .NET software. Once I saw the problems that this update was giving my main computer, I did a system restore and restored my computer to an earlier date. Everything was back to normal with the main computer. On my laptop, the SP2 blocked all of the same things and it would not let me establish a wireless connection. I immediately uninstalled the SP2 from my laptop and everything was back to normal.
Let me give you some advice. Learn the basics about computers, networking, and security. This will help you in the long run because if you rely on the SP2 and Microsoft updates, you will mess up your system. Go to the library, check out a basic book on networking & security and you'll be o.k.
Do not rely on Microsoft because they will fuck you in the end!!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Yo Blair!
Just the thought of Bush trying to use modern slang makes me laugh my ass off. I guess the Israeli situation is really getting to Bush.
Bush: 'Yo, Blair, they've got to stop doing this s***'
Bush: 'Yo, Blair, they've got to stop doing this s***'
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Members Of The Military Get Free Tickets
Some of the other baseball teams give discounts to the military but these are the only three teams I could find that actually give away free tickets to military members.
Chicago White Sox
Kansas City Royals
St. Louis Cardinals
If you know someone currently serving in the military who lives in one of those 3 areas, let them know that they can attend baseball games for free.
Chicago White Sox
Kansas City Royals
St. Louis Cardinals
If you know someone currently serving in the military who lives in one of those 3 areas, let them know that they can attend baseball games for free.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Novak Says Rove Was A Source
It looks like there will be no Fitzmas for the Daily Kos Democrats who wanted Rove to be indicted. I wanted him to go down but I live in reality and in reality, the truly corrupt never go to prison.
Novak: Rove Was a Source in Outing Plame
Novak: Rove Was a Source in Outing Plame
Monday, July 10, 2006
China Gets Into The Mix
I bet Bolton is ready to blow his top. China is the superpower of the future and the Bush administration knows that they have no control over what goes on in Asia.
China drafts UN statement on N.Korea
China drafts UN statement on N.Korea
Sunday, July 02, 2006
I think that running is the king of all exercises. I've been running consistently since 1999 and I love it. Yesterday was the 1st day of the year that I have ran outside and it was fun. The temperature was around 90 degrees and humid. My lungs felt like they were burning for the 1st couple of miles but I completed a 40 minute run through the streets of Chicago. I usually go to the gym and run on the treadmills but nothing beats a run on the street. Running on a treadmill is slightly different from running on the street. Treadmill running is easier on the legs and you're running in a controlled environment. If you are new to running, try to do a couple of runs on the track or the street so you'll be truly fit for competitions or a friendly 5K race.
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