Saturday, April 22, 2006

If You Are Democrat Or Republican, You Are A Fool Or Wimp

I've been saying the same exact thing for months. This is from Rense.Com:
To quote an angry little bigot, who happened to be right when he said it: There ain't a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats. If there's a difference between Lieberman and Delay I'd like to know.

The Average Congressional member of either party represents (A) Lobbyists for pricey war toy manufacturers and (B) lobbyists for Israel. If that weren't true, America wouldn't be flat broke and living on borrowed time and money. Nor would we be conducting fucked-up wars in the Middle East for ill-defined reasons, most of them having to do with A & B.

The evening before the 2004 election, Broward County (Florida) Democrats sponsored a rally and free Jimmy Buffet concert. Volunteers skipped along the queue giving away free Kerry- Edwards T-shirts. I remarked to those in line that the vote was already in and counted and the victor already decided. I was hushed and hissed but turned out I was right. BushCo carried the state (again) by rigging the black boxes and striking blacks from the election rolls.

You would have thought the outraged Democratic voters would have stormed the warehouse where the black boxes were stored and smashed them, but you would have been wrong. Wimps don't act like Paul Revere and the Raiders, although they were once big fans of their music.

I don't think I'm going to vote in November. I don't like any of the parties. Democrats and Republicans are sold out to Israel and corporations. The Greens are socialists in training and the Libertarian party wants complete amnesty for illegals and no borders. If someone out there is going to create a new political party, please make sure that:

  • Your party is against illegal immigration and for strong border security
  • Your party is for lowering all taxes
  • Your party will focus on keeping jobs in America and not ship them to India, China, and Latin America
  • Your party is for concealed carry in every state
  • Your party loves the constitution and vows to fight for every right in that document

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