Monday, April 17, 2006

Charlie Sheen Speaks His Mind

This is from Prison Planet.Com:
"I felt the only real validation that I needed was being a tax paying citizen that loves my country," Sheen expressed to a powerful round of applause from the studio audience. Sheen continued, "What happed to the time in this country when we were entitled, when we had a constitutional and a God-given right to be curious about things that didn't make sense."

When asked by Kimmel what had brought him to pose his questions about the official story, Sheen replied, "I've done a lot of research," then referred to the growing number of high-profile individuals who have already bravely stepped forward to ask questions about 9/11, stating "...its not just me, its the people that have come before me - the experts and the engineers, the physicists and the scientists and the scholars, that raised a lot of these things and I took a look at their research and said yeah, it doesn't add up, a lot of it doesn't add up, hence these questions."

Before Kimmel moved the discussion to another topic, Sheen was careful to remind the audience, "There are two areas: Building 7 and the five frames from the Pentagon. Don't listen to me, do your own research."

I hope that more Americans start questioning the official story because the official story is bullshit. If there were bombs in the twin towers, do you think terrorists put them there?
The whole Sept 11th attack was in reality an attack on the American psyche. It was a covert operation carried out by people inside our own governmental system who want to destroy the United States Constitution and build a police state in the USA. Who benefited from these attacks? It wasn't the so called terrorists. The Bush Family, defense contractors, major oil producers, major oil companies, the Republican Party, short sellers and the elite benefited from the Sept 11th attacks. There's a lot to be discovered if we put forward a real investigation into what happened on Sept 11th but the only way that will happen is if the people demand it.

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