Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State Of The Union:Oil Addiction

President Bush said last night that America is addicted to oil. This is a misuse of words and can be considered a lie.

America needs oil. America is not addicted to oil. America does need to stop using Middle East oil but it's not going to be as easy as Bush makes it sound. Personally, I don't believe a word of the rhetoric I heard last night. Let's say we stopped using Middle East oil overnight, what would happen? If America kicked it's "addiction", would America be better off?

If America kicked the habit cold turkey, we would not be able to meet our needs since we are the #1 consuming nation on the planet. Our economy would crash and America would drop to a 3rd world level. America is on it's way to becoming a 3rd world nation but if America kicked the habit like Bush wants, the United States would become a 3rd world nation overnight.

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