Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Approaching War With Iran Part 2

This is from the article titled "The Approaching War With Iran:Part II":

So what are the real options that the United States of America has to protect its security and financial stability? Option A is to believe the Big Five propaganda machine financed by the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel that prints our funny money, and take our chances with invading Iran to thwart the March 2006 launch of the Iran Oil Bourse. To some that might sound appealing, but such action will not change the fact that our federal government has been operating on a Federal Reserve credit card, which has no credit limit, for so long that We the People now have a $8 trillion dollar national debt. The Federal Reserve Banking Cartel loves this enormous debt because it represents interest payments from the U.S. taxpayer to its network of private corporations. The ability of the federal government to tax incomes, on behalf of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel, before the wage earner ever receives his or her paycheck, makes hard-working men and women slaves to the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel. The U.S. Congress supports using the citizenry as collateral for its wayward spending, for without the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel accepting as collateral, the birth certificates of American citizens and the potential, future taxable wages that they represent, the federal government could no longer finance its 1174 federal agencies and the payroll associated with 4.3 million federal employees.

Americans are definitely slaves to the system and most do not care that they are slaves. Just give them their recliner, a few beers, and 40 inch television and they'll be more than happy to give the government more than 1/3 of their wages. Most will not research the real reason that we went to war with Iraq or the reasons why we are considering invading Iran. They are content to be sheep and that in itself is truly sad.

Wake up America!!

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