Monday, January 30, 2006

Illusion Vs. Reality:American Economy Is Booming

This is one of the illusions that the politicians love to throw in our faces but the truth of the matter is that our economy is not booming. Jobs are being shipped overseas at a very fast pace. I read a story the other day about 25,000 people coming out for 250 jobs at a Walmart in Chicago. Now if our economy was booming, wouldn't the number of people searching for Walmart jobs be much lower? People do not stop to analyze the propaganda forced upon us through Fox news and CNN but you can see the reality of the situation just by looking at our national debt. This is from an article titled "U.S. In Technical Default":
In a shocking development, the Treasury Department website is openly stating that as of January 24, 2006 our national debt stood at $8,185.3 billion and on January 26th at $8,190.5 billion.

Yet the US national debt ‘ceiling’, the maximum amount of debt the US government may hold at any one time, stands at $8,184 billion – a full $5.5 billion less. Although called upon by John Snow, Congress has not yet passed an expansion of the debt ceiling and so the US government is now operating in technical default.

You may recall that when last the debt ceiling was approached in the months surrounding the 2004 elections, the Treasury department furiously employed every accounting trick in the book (and then some) to avoid breaching the limit. They even went so far as to take the unprecedented step of borrowing $14 billion from the Federal Financing Bank to cover up the shortfall.

But they never breached the ceiling.

On January 24th they breached it brazenly and openly and with nary an accompanying explanation. Neither have any lawmakers have broached this indelicate subject.
Reality: The American economy is not booming. The American economy is on the brink of collapse. Something like a war with Iran combined with maybe a switch to using the Euro as the reserve currency for trading oil and the American economy would easily collapse.

A Quote From The Matrix Movie

From the movie titled "The Matrix":
Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

I could say the very same thing about the real matrix. Many people are not ready to be unplugged. They are so dependent on this system, they will fight and die to protect it. Try talking to your parents, relatives, or co-workers about any of this and they will think that you have gone crazy. They will think you have watched too many movies and that you're a conspiracy theorist. Do not give in to the pressure.

We are slaves to the system we live under and there are some that are fighting to get the word out. Educate yourselves and never accept anything the government tells you until you check it out for yourself. Free your mind!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Illusion Vs. Reality: Iran Nuclear Capability

Illusion: Israel and America claim that Iran is less than 6 months away from building a nuclear bomb.

Reality: No one has come forth with any proof. All we have are accusations from America and Israel. From what I've seen, Iran is abiding by the NPT. They are allowed to develop nuclear energy. One report even says they are 10 years away from building a nuke. Why this huge propaganda war to make Iran look bad? Why does everyone keep saying we have to act by the end of March 2006? Why would America want to go to war with Iran? Chances are it's the same reason we went to war to take out Saddam. To keep the American dollar #1 in the world. Read about the proposed Iranian oil bourse by clicking here.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Approaching War With Iran Part 2

This is from the article titled "The Approaching War With Iran:Part II":

So what are the real options that the United States of America has to protect its security and financial stability? Option A is to believe the Big Five propaganda machine financed by the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel that prints our funny money, and take our chances with invading Iran to thwart the March 2006 launch of the Iran Oil Bourse. To some that might sound appealing, but such action will not change the fact that our federal government has been operating on a Federal Reserve credit card, which has no credit limit, for so long that We the People now have a $8 trillion dollar national debt. The Federal Reserve Banking Cartel loves this enormous debt because it represents interest payments from the U.S. taxpayer to its network of private corporations. The ability of the federal government to tax incomes, on behalf of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel, before the wage earner ever receives his or her paycheck, makes hard-working men and women slaves to the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel. The U.S. Congress supports using the citizenry as collateral for its wayward spending, for without the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel accepting as collateral, the birth certificates of American citizens and the potential, future taxable wages that they represent, the federal government could no longer finance its 1174 federal agencies and the payroll associated with 4.3 million federal employees.

Americans are definitely slaves to the system and most do not care that they are slaves. Just give them their recliner, a few beers, and 40 inch television and they'll be more than happy to give the government more than 1/3 of their wages. Most will not research the real reason that we went to war with Iraq or the reasons why we are considering invading Iran. They are content to be sheep and that in itself is truly sad.

Wake up America!!

Interesting Article From Rense.Com

Here is an excerpt from the article titled "Fake Bin Ladin Tape Plugs Book Against His Jihad":
What's not right about the Osama Bin Laden audio tape. One thing that the Bush administration does well is manage perceptions of the public. Amid protests over the NSA wiretapping, the extension of the Patriot Act, and the nomination of neo-Fascist Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, an audio tape on Osama Bin Laden is sent to Al Jazzera. On the tape, Bin Laden suddenly veers from being a traditional right-wing Wahhabi fanatic to the right of the House of Saud to a leftist progressive. The tape by Bin Laden was quickly verified as "authentic" by a CIA that is now firmly in the grasp of neo-cons under Porter Goss.

However, the tape is an obvious fake being used by the Bush administration to scare Americans into believing "Al Qaeda" is making plans for another attack and an attempt to link Bin Laden to Democrats.

I believe that Bin Ladin is either dead or he's a black ops agent for the American government. Maybe it's both. Maybe Bin Ladin is a deceased black ops agent.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Illusion Vs Reality:Democrats&Republicans

Illusion: The Republicans and Democrats are opposition parties.

Reality: Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. Look at their votes on key issues like the Bush tax cuts and the vote for the war in Iraq. If elected, John Kerry would've stayed in Iraq. The electoral process in America is one big scam. Millions of Americans were givens only two choices during the 2004 election. If the two candidates are almost identical on key issues, how many choices does the American voter really have?

What type of system are we living under in America?

Wikipedia calls it a "Dominant Party System".

Let's look at what wikipedia has to say:

A dominant-party system, or one party dominant system, is a party system where only one political party can realistically become the government, by itself or in a coalition government. While opposition parties are legally allowed to operate, they are considered too weak or ineffective to seriously take power. In contrast to single-party systems, which tend to be authoritarian, dominant-party systems can occur within a context of a democratic system. Dominant-party systems have been criticized because corruption and insensitivity to public demands tend to arise for lack of an effective opposition.

A further distinction from a single-party system is that under the latter, other parties cannot compete to become the government because they are banned. Dominant-party systems exist only in states where other political parties are tolerated, but do not receive enough votes to have a realistic chance of winning. However, in some dominant-party systems, opposition parties are subject to varying degrees of official harassment and most often deal with rules and electoral systems designed to put them at a disadvantage or in some cases outright electoral fraud.

On the other hand, some dominant-party system occur in countries that are widely seen, both by their citizens and outside observers, to be textbook examples of democracy. The reasons why a dominant-party system may form in such a country are often debated: Supporters of the dominant party tend to argue that their party is simply doing a good job in government and the opposition continuously proposes unrealistic or unpopular changes, while supporters of the opposition tend to argue that the electoral system disfavors them (for example because it is based on the principle of first past the post), or that the dominant party receives a disproportionate amount of funding from various sources and is therefore able to mount more persuasive campaigns.

It's not that the opposition is ineffective. The opposition is never given a fair chance because the two major parties of our system makes laws that favors them and keeps the other political parties out. Keep in mind that these two parties are almost identical and should be viewed as two sides of the same coin. Americans are given the illusion of choice but in reality there's only one party in America.

Google Says No To US Government

The government wants to spy but one search engine has turned them down. I wouldn't get excited over this because I think the government already spies on Americans through the internet.

Google Rebuffs Feds Article

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Steven Yates

A really good series of articles by Steven Yates.

Steven Yates -- The Real Matrix