Monday, July 24, 2006

Buckley:Bush Not A True Conservative

It looks like Bush's own people are turning against him. This is from CBS News:
"I think Mr. Bush faces a singular problem best defined, I think, as the absence of effective conservative ideology — with the result that he ended up being very extravagant in domestic spending, extremely tolerant of excesses by Congress," Buckley says. "And in respect of foreign policy, incapable of bringing together such forces as apparently were necessary to conclude the Iraq challenge."

Asked what President Bush's foreign policy legacy will be to his successor, Buckley says "There will be no legacy for Mr. Bush. I don't believe his successor would re-enunciate the words he used in his second inaugural address because they were too ambitious. So therefore I think his legacy is indecipherable"

This is very interesting stuff but why didn't Buckley come out against Bush in 2004? Conservatives are trying to distance themselves from Bush because he is self-destructing but we should not let them do that. Bush is a conservative. Congress is dominated and ruled by conservative Republicans. Conservatives have ruled our government for over 6 years and all they do is spend, spend, spend and back legislation that the majority of Americans disagree with. Their conservative strategies on how to run our government have failed and it is time we kicked them out and started over.

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