Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Looks Like I Was Right

In the previous post, I mentioned how Nancy Pelosi might stop any attempts to impeach Bush if she became majority leader in November. According to Rawstory, it looks like California Democrats are getting an early start on selling America out:
LA MESA, CALIFORNIA -- An impeachment resolution introduced into the California Legislature by Assemblyman Paul Koretz (D-West Hollywood) may be blocked from reaching the floor, RAW STORY has learned.

"I think there is a shot," Koretz said when asked what odds Assembly Joint Resolution 39 has of winning passage. "The question is whether the leadership will let it move. There are a lot of bipartisan issues we're trying to work on this year," he added. (Text of the resolution.)

Democrats control both houses of the California Legislature. But leaders may be wary of losing Republican support for budget and tax measures, which require a two-thirds majority for passage under California law

The Democrats are spineless cowards who only care about power. Most Democrats voted for the Iraq war, Bush's tax cuts, and the Patriot Act so I shouldn't be surprised that they will block any attempts for a resolution to impeach Bush. The corruption of the Republican Party and the lack of any backbone from the Democratic Party is one of the reasons why I will remain an independent.

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