Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Foreign Flags & Che Guevara

I was on the bus yesterday and I noticed a latino guy with a Mexican flag tied to his bookbag. Why do American citizens do this? I don't understand it at all. If someone wants to celebrate their culture, I support that 100% but can we stop with the ridiculous flag waving.

I was walking today and I spotted a woman wearing a bright red shirt with a picture of Che Guevara. This is another one of those things that makes me shake my head. Che Guevara was a Communist who supported the freedom hating USSR. He routinely blasted the American government while promoting the totalitarian regime that was in the USSR(Hypocrite?). He repressed and killed thousands of people yet young people wear shirts with his picture on it and celebrate him like he's a hero. I think that anyone who wears a Che shirt is an idiot. If you're wearing a Che shirt, you should not be allowed to reproduce because it's obvious that your IQ is below 100.

The major religions believe that the meek shall inherit the earth. I'm starting to think that someone made a mistake. There are more idiots than smart people in the world. Most people rely on emotional reasoning. In 21st century America, rational thinking is a rare thing. Most of the people of the world are sheep who will believe anything that their government or religious leaders tell them. The meek will not inherit the earth. Religious wackos and cretins wearing Che shirts will inherit the earth and that's when the world will end.

I don't usually support NewsMax but this article fits the post.

The Real Che Guevara

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